Page 27 of Diamond Kisses
“Fiddles are flimsy little things that can be smashed rather easily.” With an arrogant tip of his chin, Henri crossed his arms. “Unlock my chains, and I’ll show you.”
“Nice offer, but I’ll pass.”
“What’s the matter, Vic? Afraid?”
“Of you?” Victor raised an eyebrow. “I’d be a fool to say I’m not aware that when you’re in your prime, you’re a hard man to fend off.”
Henri smiled.
“But you’re not in your prime anymore, are you?” Moving one tiny step closer but not too close, Victor chuckled. “Don’t feel bad, Henri. You can’t help that you’re not who you used to be.”
“I could still kill you.”
“No.” Victor drew himself up. “You couldn’t. Don’t lie, and don’t be argumentative. You tried to win against me, but you lost. What happens next depends entirely on your cooperation.”
Henri didn’t flinch from the pain of his forearm still in its cast. He didn’t wobble on his casted leg or show any signs that his ribs still gave him grief. He didn’t even ask what cooperation Victor wanted, refusing to give him the tiniest bit of satisfaction.
I was so damn proud of him.
So inaweof him.
So inspired by his ability to ignore his pain to protect me.
“Have you come to finish me off, then?” Henri asked with a sneer. “Because if you did, just get it over with so I don’t have to look at you a second longer than necessary.”
Victor scratched his clean-shaven cheek and nodded. “You know what I feared most, my friend? That being beaten within an inch of your life and denied the basic necessities would break you. I feared you’d turn into more beast than human. That’s why I allowed you the company of Ilyana and Peter.” Victor threw us a look over his shoulder. “Thank you for keeping him sane, you two. You’ve ensured the next part of Henri’s initiation will be far more fun.”
“What initiation?” Henri snarled.
“Beginning your training as a jewel, of course. Remember all those levels of obedience you never did with Ilyana?” Victor grinned. “I’m going to ensure you learn each and every one and become the most obedient, sought-after jewel in my collection.”
Peter flinched.
I jerked.
But Henri said nothing.
Victor smirked. “Your role in my home has now changed considerably. I have no desire to kill you because you are far too entertaining, but you’ve disappointed me. You’ve undermined me, mocked me, and tried to kill me. You’ve proven all over again that I can’t trust anyone. Which means I’m going to personally oversee your breaking to prove a point to myself.”
“I don’t care—”
“Thepointthat I don’tneedanyone else. I will soon have my heir, and he can cut his teeth on you as well. By the time I’m done with you, you won’t be recognisable. You’ll be my lapdog, my whore, my thing. You willbegto call me Master. You will submit to my every command. You will bend over and—”
“Like fuck I will.” Henri stepped forward so fast the chain holding him in place clanked. “I will never—”
“Yes, you will.” Victor stalked back to the chair and fisted the keys he’d left there. “Because if you don’t, I will take every one of your punishments and give them to Ily. She’s the one who inspired me. A little experiment to see how far you’ll go for love. I know you wouldn’t have gone far if I only threatened you. Sure, you might’ve given me a blowjob to avoid a nasty lashing. You might’ve obeyed me if it meant avoiding another month down here, but you would never go to the lengths you’llwillinglygo to without Ilyana.”
Victor grinned with every drop of evil in his blood. “She’s your true leash, dear Henri, and I intend to use her to make you heel.” He laughed. “I’m rather looking forward to it.”
Henri didn’t look at me. “I’ll kill you. I vow to you on my life, one day, I will fuckingmurderyou.”
“Charming.” Victor licked his lips and looked Henri up and down. “Seeing as your little fantasy will never come true, I suggest you prepare to kneel formyfantasies. Because the girl you love so much? I’ll make her life a fucking misery if you don’t. Oh, and Ily?” Victor pinned his flat blue eyes on me. “The same goes for you. If you misbehave. If you put atoeout of line…Peter will pay your price. What’s that expression? Shit rolls downhill? Just remember that, all of you. Henri’s pain becomes yours, and your pain becomes Peter. As long as no one pisses me off, no one gets hurt. Isn’t that nice?”
Heading toward the barred exit, Victor unlocked it and slipped into the stone corridor. Closing the door, he sighed with contentment. “You know, this all could’ve been avoided if you’d only accepted who you truly are, Henri. But…you turned your back on becoming my equal. You spat in my face at my offer, and I’ve finally accepted your choice. You want to be the good guy? You don’t want to be the monster? Fine. I shall ensure you’re as weak and as worthless as all the others who think they’re better than me just because they follow stupid laws made by wolves ruling a society of sheep. I will make you so far beneath me that you will become dirt beneath my shoe. You will know what it feels like to be truly powerless, and then…thenwe shall see if you please me enough to live or…”
“Or what?” Henri spat.
“I still have a buyer waiting on a heart, don’t I? I could give him yours instead of Ilyana’s. Hers is safe for now. And Peter is my spare—just in case something unforeseen happens to Ily, and I need another bargaining chip over you. Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’ve seen the friendship blooming between you two.” He tapped his nose. “You forget I am omniscient. You live on my island. You fraternise with my jewels. I knowallthings. I’m also aware that you wouldn’t go to the same lengths for Peter as you will for Ily, so I warn you not to push me too far. We wouldn’t want her to have an unfortunate accident now would we?”