Page 66 of Diamond Kisses
He merely sighed and shrugged. “It’s okay,jaanu.”
No, it wasn’t.
Nothing was okay.
None of this was okay!
Tears ran down my face as a guard grabbed a whip from the rack in the corner and stalked toward Peter.
I collapsed to my knees, my heart racing so hard.
I only had eyes for Peter and the punishment I’d stupidly given him.
I didn’t see Victor until it was too late.
He appeared in front of me. Sick. Twisted.Vile.
“Time for a little game,” he murmured.
I reared back.
I didn’t get far.
Shoving a dank, dark hood over my head, he chuckled as he gathered me close and whispered in my ear, “If you speak a single word, I will cut out Peter’s tongue. Do you hear me?”
Somewhere past my blindness, a whip sang, and Peter’s grunt echoed across the ballroom.
I gagged and stumbled as Victor released my collar from the chains and pushed me into walking. “Remember, my sweet. I’m not going to gag you because I want to see how obedient you can be. But a single whisper and Peterwillpay the price.”
Holding me by the nape, he marched me forward.
I tripped and crashed against him, unable to see a damn thing.
Holding me tight, Victor raised his voice. “If you don’t get hard in the time it takes me to go over there, Henri, I’m going to give Ilyana to one of my guests.” Shoving me forward, he laughed as another man scooped me close. “Here. Have her. Fuck her—”
Henri groaned behind his gag.
“Well then.” Victor sniffed. “Get it up and prove to me that every part of you belongs to me. Even that.”
The man holding me scooped me from the floor and tossed me over his head like a dead carcass.
Vertigo made me dizzy.
My heartbeat gushed in my ears.
I tried to calm myself with tricks and concentration. I begged white light and grounding cords to keep me sane. But the hood’s darkness and the island’s cruelty and Henri’s suffering and Peter’s whipping—
I-I can’t.
For the first time in my life, I couldn’t find that pocket of peace.
I couldn’t stop myself from panicking and choking and reaching the end of my very frayed, very broken tether.
“Good boy,” Victor cooed.
Henri groaned again.
And my heart shattered.