Page 20 of Adored By the Alien Warlord
“I want us out of this city within the next few days, and I’m going to make it happen.”
“You don’t know how much it means to me that you’re here. You’re supportive. You feed me, bring me clean, warm clothing, plus a bath at the end of each shift. It means everything. Everything, Davon.”
I grumbled, my face hot from her praise. How did a male reply to such a thing?
I wasn’t worthy of more than the clothing on my back and a simple meal to keep me from starving.
Yet, in this female’s eyes, I felt as if I might, just might be worth more.
She held a strand of stretchy fabric over her shoulderfor me to secure the end. “I appreciate it. I do a decent job but there’s something nice about having someone else do this for you, isn’t there? My mom used to braid it for me when I was little and after our parents died, Talia and I would do it for each other.” Her voice broke. “I miss her a lot. But knowing I’ll see her one day soon, that you’re going to take me to her, keeps me going.”
I secured the end of her braid and stroked the thick band running down her back. Not bad for a bumbling Zuldruxian warrior. “I won’t leave you here. I’ll die trying to get you out.”
She turned and her hand reached up to tentatively stroke my face. She had to stand on her toes to do it, but it meant a lot to me. “Don’t say things like that. Do you know how worried I am that you could be hurt?”
“You shouldn’t worry about me. I’m nothing compared to you.”
“Davon.” She held my face, tilting it down to make me look into her eyes. “Iamworried. You’re a friend.”
Yes, that. Nothing more.
“But it’s more than that.” Her gaze searched mine. “You talked about fated mates and you . . .” Her face darkened, and she dragged her eyes away from mine as if she couldn’t bear to speak while she looked at me. “You mean a lot to me. I . . .”
“What?” I croaked, holding my breath because I was desperate to hear what she might say. The longing I felt . . . It would haunt me until my dying day. I’d whisper her name on my last exhale, and her image, the way she looked right now, would be the last thing I hoped to see.
“It’s probably foolish.” Her lips thinned, and she nibbled on the lower one. “But you’re more to me than just a friend.” Backing away from me, she fluttered her hands at her throat. “I shouldn’t tell you that. I know you don’t want me in that way, that you—”
“In what way?” I gasped out, unable to think or breathe.
Her arms dropped, and her hands twisted at her sides. “You know.”
“I don’t.” Tell me. Tell me, please.
“You’re special.”
“I’m not. I’ve done things I shouldn’t have.”
“Who hasn’t?” she asked, exasperation coming through in her voice. “I stole a candy bar at the store once. Did you know that? My mom marched me back to the store with it in my hot little hands, and she made me not only give it to the clerk, but she made me volunteer to sweep out the store. Then she stayed outside until I’d done it. She smacked my ass so hard! That was the only time she ever hit me . . .” She trailed off. “I’m chattering when I should be speaking honestly with you about how I feel.”
“Be honest. Chatter all you want. I live to hear it.”
“There you go again, saying things that make my heart flip over, that make me want more.”
I frowned. “More of what? Food? I’ll get it for you.” My throat was a furious thing, shoving out the words before I had time to think them through. “Another bath? The water will be here within a blink. I could get you more clothing, more—”
She placed her fingertip over my lips, stilling my words.
My thoughts.
My very heart trapped within the cage of my chest.
“It makes me wantyou, Davon,” she whispered. “You.”
Chapter 9
“You can’t want me,” he croaked, trying to back away.