Page 22 of Adored By the Alien Warlord
Chapter 10
Maggie didn’t shove me away when I spontaneously shared everything, telling her about the sign from my sand god and showing her the mating mark.
I should regret doing this but the blaze in my chest told me it was needed. How could I keep holding that back from her? If we escaped and met up with my people, they’d see. They’d be happy. They’d tell her.
And she’d frown, irritated or even angry that I hadn’t told her first.
She also didn’t appear to hate me. She might even like me. Sort of like me. I believe that was what she was trying to say.
She kept grinning up at me as I took her hand and with the end of her chain looped around my other, led her up the stairs. Before we reached the top, her smile fell, telling me she’d gifted it only to me. That made my heart throb inside my chest.
Love was a terrible thing.
Or maybe it was the best thing in the world.
Playing the role of the gruff bar worker, I urged her out into the main room. Wortek waited near the stage, a scowl twisting his snout.
“About time,” he said, his gaze locked on Maggie. “Come closer, female. Let me see if you’re pleasing enough dressed in my expensive purchase. Are you worthy of my exclusive guest?”
Maggie shot me a concerned look before walking over to stand in front of him.
“Where did those come from?” he snarled, his attention focused on the shoes I’d given her.
My guts sunk.
“I found them,” I blurted out, desperate to protect her. “They didn’t fit me, and I thought of this female. Bottles break. Food and drink cover the floor here. I was protecting your investment by giving her these shoes.”
He stared at me for a long time, but I made sure he saw nothing on my face other than boredom. Finally, he grunted. “Don’t start thinking you have any say in what I do with this female, Zuldruxian. She’s mine. Always will be. Only death will take her from me, and I’ll kill her myself before I’ll let you make a claim on her body.”
Fuck him.
My hands forming fists, I started toward him, ready to leap and rip him apart, but someone called out from behind me. A glance over my shoulder showed seven Veerenads had entered the building and were making their way toward us.
I’d only seen the king once, when he rode through the street in an open carriage pulled by four mundreks. He’d waved to those who’d cheered, a benign smirk on his snout. He enjoyed vibrant clothing, draping his scaled body in shiny fabric that gleamed like an oasis come to light after a heavy rain.
He swished his way through the room with his entourage fluttering around him, all dressed in vivid colors like him.
“Wortrek,” he said grandly when he reached us, his gaze focused solely on Maggie.
She cringed and slid around to hide behind me.
Wortek noticed this. He was watching everything. We’d have to be very careful, or he’d realize how protective I was of her.
“My name is Wor-tek, my king,” he said, dropping to his belly on the floor, the way Veerenads bowed to each other. This position exposed their only weak point, the base of their spine. One swipe of a knife, and a person could sever the cord, making it impossible for the Veerenad to move its lower body. It was easy to finish them off after that.
If only I had a blade in my hand and dared to strike.
Instead, I remained stoic, crossing my arms on my chest when the king glanced my way.
“Go stand at the door,” Wortek snarled at me, rising to his hind feet. His tail whipped back and forth and the glare he sent me would’ve killed me if it was a blade. “Keep everyone out. This female’s going to put on aspecial show for my guest and no other.” He reached around me and yanked Maggie forward.
She cringed, shrinking in her bright red dress, but kept her gaze on the floor.
“This is the dancer I’ve heard so much about?” the king drawled, his attention remaining on her. “Interesting appearance. Human, you say?” He poked my arm. “Not Zuldruxian, I suppose, since she’s not blue. No scales or tail. Quite deficient, isn’t she? No claws.” He held his up, each long spike decorated with paint to match his bright blue tunic, plus jewels that winked in the lights. “How do they rip anything apart?”
“It’s a great mystery to me,” Wortek said gravely. “Perhaps their males have claws and tails to protect these lesser females?”