Page 56 of Adored By the Alien Warlord
She shook her head, her eyes filled with water of sadness. “I'm fine. The key's on a hook at the end of the hall.”
I grabbed it and returned to the cell. My hands shook as I fumbled with the lock, but finally, I got it open. After swinging the door wide, I pulled Maggie into my arms, holding her, feeling her heart beat against mine.
“I thought I'd lost you,” I whispered, my voice rough with spent fear.
“You found me.” Her arms tightened around me. “You found me, Davon.”
We were together again, and that was all that mattered.
I tugged my small gift from my pocket and reverently laid it in her hands. “I was going to wait for a special moment, but I don’t want to wait for anything any longer.” I closed her fingers around it. “This is for you, love.”
She peeled back the fabric surrounding the small item, revealing the necklace she’d admired in the market.
“Davon,” she said, her voice tight. “You got this for me?” New tears filled her eyes, and I hated being the cause, but maybe, this time, they were the rare tears ofjoy and not those of sorrow. “Thank you. Would you help me put it on?”
I lifted it from the fabric and went around behind her, gently securing it around her neck and leaning forward after to kiss her nape. “I want to give you the world, Maggie. All I am and all I can ever be.”
She turned and hugged me. “You already have.”
I wanted to stay here forever, holding her while knowing that for now, we were safe. But we needed to leave this place.
I took her hand, my eyes meeting hers. “I’m taking you out of here.”
She nodded. “Love you, Davon.”
Chapter 31
Davon's hand remained firm around mine as we rushed down the hall and exited out into a battlefield of Veerenads fighting the king's forces. The cavern had been transformed into a nightmarish landscape, with the echoes of combat reverberating off the stone walls. Veerenads clashed everywhere, their snarls and roars punctuated by the clang of metal and the hiss of claws lashing out. The smell of sweat and blood hung in the air.
We remained near the outside of the wall, moving as fast as we could, avoiding the wild swings of combatants locked in their own battles. Davon shielded me with his body, his eyes scanning the madness for a clear path. I kept my footing on the uneven ground, my heart pounding in my throat.
We left the enormous cavern and wove through a series of tunnels, slowly making our way higher. We stumbled out of a small cave where two males battled,their snarls echoing in the open room, their claws grating on the stone floor.
“Valdar is the true king,” Davon said. “His uncle killed Valdar's father and stole his throne. Watch as Valdar finds his revenge, as he reclaims his birthright.”
I gaped at the two grappling Veerenads, their muscles straining and snarls ripping up their throats. Valdar was clearly stronger, and it seemed as if he was toying with the king—who was not the true king.
Their blades were a blur as they struck and parried with deadly precision, and their claws slashed out to gouge across the other's chest, thighs, and arms. The ground beneath them grew slick with blood. This fight was pushing both warriors to their limits.
I held my breath, watching as Valdar feinted to the left, then drove his sword forward with a roar. The king attempted to counter, but he was too slow. Valdar's blade found its way past the king's, slicing through scale and sinew. The king's guttural cry rang out in the room and his weapon clattered to the ground. He glared up at Valdar as he crumpled onto his knees. Valdar stood over him, his chest heaving, a grim smile on his snout.
“Finally,” Valdar snarled. He lifted his blade and slashed out, severing the king's head from his neck. As it toppled to the stone, Valdar tipped his own head back and released a hoarse cry that was echoed by his forces still fighting within the caverns.
Silence descended right after.
“They know the king is dead,” Davon said softly. “Those who heard have surrendered.” He squeezed my hand. “It's over.”
“This is your mate?” Valdar asked, sheathing his sword at his side and striding over to join us.
“King Valdar, this is Maggie,” Davon said. “Congratulations on your victory.”
“Maggie.” Valdar lifted my hand and gently squeezed it. “I'm sorry for everything.”
“Your uncle takes all the blame but thank you.”
“Go to the palace,” Valdar said. “Once we've cleaned this area, we'll join you. We must celebrate, and then I'll help you return to your clan.”