Page 18 of Such a Brave Omega
“Yes.” I could agree that it was something, although not something that interested me much. “Everyone seems to be having a good time.”
“They are, each in their own way. Some people need a spanking or a whipping or a small electric shock in their lives. But I don’t think you need those things.”
I couldn’t suppress a laugh. “I won’t turn down a friendly spanking in the right moment.”
“Good to know.” He gave my hand a tug. “We will be closing in an hour, and I don’t want you to miss my favorite part. I had a lot to do with designing it, and I think my friends are shocked at how successful it is even though it just opened.”
“What is it? Blood play?” I’d read about that…please don’t let it be that.
“Uh, is that what you’d like to do? I won’t judge if you do, but you’ll need to find another alpha somewhere else for that particular activity because—”
“Gods no,” I blurted out. “I was just…just no.” I only knew what it was because I had stumbled upon it in my research.
“That’s a relief because it’s totally not my thing. No, where we’re going is just down this hallway.” He led me off the main floor and down a passage with doors on either side. “There are private rooms and various other things along here, but the room I have in mind is at the end of the hallway, here.”
When he stopped in front of a door with a window inset, I froze then pressed my nose to the glass. “Oh my gods. Is this for real?”
“It is, and if you like, we can come back here and play another night. Here comes Selena now.”
“Mommy Selena when I’m on duty,” the woman he addressed said. She looked like someone out of a 1950s TV show with her flouncy skirt, short sweater with two puff balls hangingfrom it, and hair pulled tight into a ponytail way up on top of her head. “And who have we here?”
Mommy Selena showed me around the little room. It was nearly empty because most of the littles were already tucked into their beds at home, but I was able to see all the things to do and even sit long enough for Da—for Bronson to read me a short book before we had to leave.
I never slipped into little space, but our evening had a whole other effect on me. Both of us, I suppose. We were no sooner in the door of the house than clothes were flying everywhere and we didn’t make it past the sofa before I was on my back, my alpha on top of me and looking down into my eyes.
“You’re gorgeous, do you know that, omega?” He kissed my face and hair and lips and down my chest. “And so brave. Nobody would have guessed it was your first time seeing everything you did tonight.”
He closed his mouth around my cock and sucked me off all the way until I came in his mouth before rising to claim my needy, slick hole. I wrapped my legs around him, digging my heels into his ass cheeks and sobbing with the pleasure and joy of coming together with this man. He filled me in a way nobody else ever had or ever would because there would be nobody else. A fact proven when he came, his knot swelled, and his fangs descended to sink into my throat, marking me his.
Nothing he could have said would have stated his intentions more clearly. He marked me. I sank into the deepest sleep I could remember, perfectly comfortable and happy and thinking maybe I was brave after all.
Chapter Seventeen
“Good morning, beautiful,” Bronson said, tugging me closer into his embrace. I’d been awake for a while, thinking about the events of the night before.
While I was pretty damned good at overanalyzing things to the point where I questioned my own sanity at times, there was nothing about how Bronson acted that was anything near a red flag. In fact, he was green flags all over.
Even in the sex club.
“Is it morning already?” I asked, letting out a yawn.
His warmth curled around my back as he slung his arm over my waist, splaying his hand over my stomach. “It is.”
I giggled, pushing my ass against his already hardened cock. “Didn’t we just go to sleep?”
“A few hours ago,” he whispered with his mouth pressed lightly to the back of my neck. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”
I turned around to face him. “I can’t either. I hoped. I wished. I was so scared you didn’t feel the same way or that you wouldn’t accept the little part of me.”
“Sweetheart, from the first moment I saw you, I wanted you. I couldn’t let you go. You were begging to die, but there was no way my wolf would let that happen. My heart broke for you. Whatever he did to you, even if it takes my whole life, I’m gonna help you forget as much as possible. I accept all of you.”
“You’re already helping, mate. You’ve already healed some parts of me just making me hope again. I didn’t know there was an alpha out there like you. And you’re such a loving daddy.”
He growled, nipping at my shoulder. “I’ll be the best daddy. I swear it.”
“You will. It might be hard for me to trust sometimes, but I’ll work on it, Bronson. I will.”