Page 38 of This Broken Heart
The idea is a little daunting.
Matt and I were together my entire adult life—I’ve never been in this position.
I’m not sure if I’m capable of being a no strings attached kind of person. But I also don’t think I’m ready for another long-term relationship.
Maybe a quick and easy rebound would do me good. My lips curve into a smile, imagining the look on Matt’s face if he saw me in the grocery store with Josh on my arm.
If it was just Josh and me, I think maybe I’d throw caution to the wind and say, fuck it. Let’s have fun.
But there are two little people involved and I cannot stand the idea of them getting hurt in the process.
It’s pretty obvious that both kids, but especially Trace, are missing having a mommy in their lives.
All Trace would need is the slightest hint, the barest suggestion that Josh and I are together, and he’d run with it.
By the time we pull up to the house, a mere quarter of a mile down the road, the decision seems pretty clear.
Josh and I need to put the kids first.
That means no hashing it out.
No second kisses.
We need to erase this night from our minds and act like it never happened.
I shouldn’t have grabbed Erin’s hand.
I for damn sure shouldn’t have kissed her.
A small part of me is mortified.
The bigger part of me, and the southern parts of me, can’t stop thinking about the way she felt in my arms.
In a word, delectable.
I half-expected her to bring it up. She’s so outspoken. But last night, she helped me put the kids to bed without a word about it. It’s like it never happened.
Except that it did. I can still feel those soft curves on my palms.
I wake up in the early hours of the morning, staring at the ceiling.
Maven made her way to my bed and is snuggled up in my arms. I run my fingers through her soft hair, turning thoughts over in my mind.
I’m not sure I can go backwards from here.
I might need to fire her.
Or apologize.
Or throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom like a cave man.
Maybe all three, in reverse order.
I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb Maven, and pull on a pair of jeans. Tugging a sweater over my head, I pad out into the kitchen.