Page 111 of Teach Me How
I had a ten-step plan for getting these two to reconcile. And overnight, they’ve crossed that bridge on their own. I’m relieved, I guess. But I’m also having a moment. I’m realizing that they didn’t need me to fix their problems, that I’ve been taking responsibility for other people’s issues.
It feels a little like setting down a big load.
I’m not responsible for my dad or his thought process, but that won’t make the conversation any easier.
I wish the menstruation cycle could learn to respect deadlines. My insides feel like molten lava, but I won’t let that get in the way of finishing my first official project with the Boulder City development board. I suffer through the day, proud to say I made good on my promises. Getting home, I kick off my heels and immediately heat up a rice pack for my stomach.
Not bothering to change out of my sweater dress, I flop down on the couch and wish for sweet oblivion. Between my cramps and thoughts about Skyler, rest doesn’t come easily.
When my cell rings, I almost ignore it.
But on the off chance that it’s a board member, I pop one eye open and grab my phone. It’s only Josh. “Hello?”
I can hear the kids yelling in the background. “Hey, Squirt. What’s up?”
“Oh, you know. A little from column A. A Little from column B. You?”
“Just wrangling the monsters. Wanted to know what your plans were for Christmas.”
I pause, adjusting the rice pack. “I’ll be home for Christmas Eve. I already told mom.”
“Yeah. That’s what she thought.”
There’s an awkward pause. I squeeze my sides. “Was there something else? You’re being a little weird.”
“Yeah, so…” He clears his throat. I can hear shuffling on his end and the screen door creaking open, slamming shut. The noise from the kids is suddenly cut off. “I saw Bo yesterday.”
“Okay.” My palms start to sweat.
“He had some interesting things to say.”
“Bo’s got a big mouth.”
Josh laughs quietly on the other side of the phone. That eases some of the anxiety creeping up my spine. “What exactly did your gossip of a friend tell you?”
“He said that you and Skyler…”
“Me and Skyler what?”
He sighs. “That you’re together?”
I sit up a little. “Shouldn’t you be talking to your bestie about this?”
“I’m talking to my sister about it.”
I sit up, leaning my head back. “What do you want to know?”
He pauses. “How long has it been going on?”
I let out a long breath. “That depends. How mad are you?”
He laughs. “I’m not mad.”
I try to decipher his tone. “Really?”