Page 15 of Teach Me How
Dusty taps a spoon on his beer bottle, sending a hollow chime through the room. We all quiet down and look at him. He’s not usually so formal. He slides an arm around Marnie’s waist, hand curving over her tummy. My eyes track the movement and I know what he’s going to say before he opens his mouth.
They’re expecting.
Baby’s due in February.
The wedding will be the following June.
Which means I’m officially the last man standing.
And come hell or high water, I’m going to have a date for that wedding. A serious girlfriend.
I started out with Jack and whiskey, but after that wedding announcement, Jack is a much better friend. I’m drinking it straight now.
Dusty is getting married.
They’re going to have a baby. I’m happy for them.
I am.
But a pinprick of jealousy expands in my chest, poisoning all thoughts of goodwill.
I thought I would be picking out my wedding gown this fall, but instead, I’m starting over. Square one with no idea what I’m doing.
The boys are clumped around the TV, hollering at the unfair penalties. Erin, Andy, and Marnie are huddled up, squealing over wedding cake and babies. And I feel like I’m alone in a crowd.
I peel away from the group, spotting the only other sad sack in the room. He’s sprawled out in the window seat, as far away as he can get without looking unsociable.
Which is how he looks most of the time.
Josh thinks I’m crazy, but I swear Skyler hasn’t been the same since the accident. He was never a big talker, not one to relish the spotlight, but in my mind, there’s a distinct before and after version of him.
I plop down next to him, holding up my glass. He taps his beer bottle against it, leaning his head against the corner of the window box.
His beard is trimmed close, which means he must have had a work thing recently. He straightens his glasses, looking at me with those brown eyes that can twinkle just as easily as they can cut.
Today, they’re sparking, an odd mix of the two. It automatically sets my nerves on edge.
“Bo said you’ve started dating.”
I frown. “That little shit.”
Skyler glowers at me, disappointment heavy in his eyes. “Tyson Kyle? I thought you had better sense than that.”
“Keep your voice down.” I hiss.
“If you’re ashamed of people knowing you went out with him, why do it?”
I glare at him. Normally, I pour the sugar on for people. Cheerful and energetic. That’s me. Or what people see, anyway. But if I see through some of Skyler’s façade, he’s always seen through mine. Called me out on my bullshit. “It’s a small town, Skyler. You ought to know how shallow the dating pool is.”
“Yeah, but Tyson? He’s just after sex.”
Skyler and I have never talked about sex. Just hearing that word on those lips sends a little thrill through me. It lights a weak flame of courage. “Well, that’s all I was after, too.”
Skyler stiffens, sitting up a little. I’ve shocked him. Not going to lie, I’ve shocked myself, too. But it feels good saying it. I want sex, damn it. And I’m tired of waiting around for a knight in shining armor.