Page 87 of Teach Me How
He laughs, a little surprised. “I’m glad to see your fiery spirit is still intact.”
“Despite getting trampled, yes, I’m doing just fine.”
“Reese…” His voice breaks a bit, and the sound makes my heart hurt.
“Why are you here, Jonah?”
He shoves a hand through his hair. “I must have composed a thousand text messages. Tried to call you even more, but every time, I just thought… what could I say to make it right?”
“You could start with I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Reese.”
“Okay.” Okay, I’ve heard him. But I won’t say he’s forgiven, because he’s not.
I don’t owe him that.
I should have followed her immediately. But like everyone else, I was kind of shellshocked. We don’t often get cinematic declarations of love in our little town.
And unlike everyone else, I wasn’t the hero of this declaration or even an innocent bystander.
I’m most likely the bad guy. The point on the love triangle that ends up upside down.
Insecurity rears its ugly head, creeping up over my shoulder as I furiously search for her.
I just need to find her, lay eyes on her, and know that she’s okay. But when I do locate her, she’s sitting like a sad little lump on a hay bale and that asshole is standing over her.
She’s crying.
Oh, hell no. “What’s going on here?”
Both of them look up at me with varying flavors of surprise on their faces. He looks offended at being interrupted. Reese looks sad and embarrassed.
Embarrassed, why? Because of that shit show back at the stage, or because of me?
“Who are you?” Jonah asks, turning slightly to face me.
Reese pushes to her feet, coming to stand beside us. “This is Skyler. A friend from high school.”
I look down at her, half-tempted to tell Jonah that we’re more than friends.
More than half-tempted to tell him that he fucked up big time by letting her go. She meets my gaze, tears balancing on her eyelashes, silently imploring me to be quiet.
Jonah frowns at the interaction, suspicion tightening his features. “If you’d like an autograph, you can always find me later. I’m trying to have a private conversation with my girlfriend.”
Reese edges between us, as though she can sense the growing tension. “Don’t be a dick, Jonah.”
Jonah’s eyebrows fly up, obviously scandalized by her choice of words, or maybe just the fact that it’s coming out of sweet little Reese’s mouth.
“Ex-girlfriend.” I growl. “And it looked to me like you were making her cry.”
“I’m fine.” Reese says.
I scan her face, searching for the truth in those words. She looks exhausted. “You don’t look fine.”