Page 20 of Summer Message
We raid my kitchen before walking up the stairs. I explain all the work that I’ve done. I promised to show the before pictures once we get set up on my bed. I showed him all of the rooms upstairs and he was impressed with how much work we got done in the short amount of time that my parents were here.
“This is a great house.”
Matt’s comment makes me stand a little taller. It was a lot of work and a labor of love that I couldn’t imagine doing on my own. I’d probably still be in the first room.
“Wait right here.” I tell him as I open the bedroom door wide enough for me to come in. I left it a mess when I got ready earlier. There are clothes everywhere.
“If your bed is covered in clothes, I don’t care. If you were to see my room right now, it’d be the same,” he yells through the door as I’m throwing clothes into my closet.
I’ll hang them tomorrow.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I open the door to let him in.
He kisses my nose and looks around the room.“Closet, right?” He chuckles and I throw a stuffed teddy bear at him. “Cute.”
He puts the food on the bed and walks around the room. I have family pictures all through the house downstairs and up, but my bedroom is filled with pictures that I took of my travels over the summers with my family.
“Is this Ireland?” Matt points to a picture of green grass with hills in the background. I nod. “This is beautiful. I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland, and I’ve studied everything about it.”
“It’s a gorgeous country. I didn’t want to leave.” I smile. He loves my photos. He seemed impressed that I took them. “What kind of movies do you watch?”
“I’ll be honest, my new obsession right now is the One Chicago. I started watching Chicago PD, but then found Fire and Med. I’ve been binge watching those, so I’m not up on movies.”
I smile. It’s finally nice to have someone who enjoys the same shows as me. “I have all of the seasons that are out! I bought them through Prime. Should we start from the beginning together?”
He nods, as excited as me. Once we got the extra pillows from the spare bedroom and closet, we were leaning up against my headboard watching TV together. It was nice that he didn’t pressure me for more sex, but it did get my mind wondering. Did he not want to have sex with me again? Was sex that bad with me?I couldn’t pay attention to the show because I was too inside my head. I’m replaying it in my head, over and over again.
I suddenly feel light kisses on my shoulder through the shirt I’m wearing.
“I paused it about twenty minutes ago. You okay?” He moves my hair off my shoulder to find my neck. I move my head to the side so he can get better access and moan. “Sex with you wasn’t bad, in fact it’s all I can think of. I want you bad. But I don’t want you to think it’s the only reason I'm here.”
“I said that out loud?” I pull the covers over my face. “Please leave.” I mumble through the blankets.
“Are you sure you want me to leave?” He’s teasing me. He knows that I don’t want him to leave.
I groan as I push the covers back.“Has anyone ever told you that you’re annoying?”
“Today? No.” We laugh. “Come here.”
He settles me in his lap. I feel his hard cock on my ass.
“You feel that? That’s because I want you so fucking bad that my cock is trying to push out of my boxer briefs. I want you screaming my name for the entire state to hear. I want you sore so that when you walk, you’re remembering me and what we did. I want to make love to you so you can see the gentle side of me. I want to hold you while we watch tv or a movie. I want to cook with you in your kitchen. I want to take you out, holding your hand, making sure the guys who are trying to check you out know that you’re mine. Don’t ever think that I don’t want you.”
I have a tear coming down my face.
Matthew caresses my cheek wiping the lone tear that fell. “We’ve only known each other for two weeks. In that time, you’ve learned more about me than most of my friends know. You don’t see me as the washed-up football player who couldn’t hack it in college, but the man that I am today.”
“I wish I knew that college player.” I touch his cheek, rubbing my fingers along his scruff. “I like the guy that you are, and I’m sorry for speaking out loud like I did.”
“Don’t apologize for speaking the truth. I’d rather know what you’re thinking than trying to guess. I like sex when I’m in a relationship, but it’s not the main thing for me.”
“Really? You won’t have sex outside of a relationship?” I’m intrigued by his comment.
“I normally don’t have sex unless I’m in a relationship. Tonight was the exception. Sex without feelings to me is boring. If you aren’t looking for something like that, I understand. Please don’t feel any pressure. I just need you to know how I feel. How much I’m starting to care about you.” Matt’s fidgeting now.
I think this conversation is making him nervous.It is me too, but in a good way.
“Matt.” His eyes meet mine. “I feel the same way.”