Page 4 of Mistletoe Magic
CouldI take her to the wedding?
“These ticket sales are crazy.I’m going to make enough to fix the roof and still buy new uniforms for the hockey team,” I say to no one at all. It’s early afternoon, and I’m working on finalizing the memorial for Denny while the sound system is playing Christmas music all over the arena. There’s a knock on the door, and I look up to Maisy standing there.
“Sorry to bother you, but there’s a David King here to see you. He’d like a tour as well.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize he was coming by. Alright, I’ll be right there.” I smile as I save all the work that needs to get done so I can focus on the final touches of the pageant. As I leave my office, I shut the door and lock it.
My mother has been hounding me as my sister is in town and wants to have a family dinner. I told her I’d rather get food poisoning for three days straight than look at my sister. As I round the corner into the main room, I’m taken back at the man. He looks so much like Denny. “Mr. King?” I smile.
“Please, call me David.” I hold out my hand to shake, but he pulls me into a hug instead. “I’ve been reading some letters I found of my brother’s and feel like I already know you. He thought so fondly of you. He said that you were the daughter he wished he had.”
“Denny was a great man. He taught me a lot about business and life. Thanks to him, I haven’t been afraid to stand up to people, including family who are toxic. Where would you like to start?”
“Wherever you’d like to show me,” he says with a smile.
I take him to the ice rink first and let David meet some of the hockey kids playing a pickup game with some adults that were down to play. Then, the locker rooms Denny gutted and rebuilt the year before I bought it. “Now, this was Denny’s favorite room. He added it when he bought the building next to the rink and combined the two.” We walked into the sauna that has a hot tub as well.
“Now, this is the brother I knew. He loved his saunas. I never knew about this place. How often was he here?”
“When he owned the business, he was here four or five times a year. Once I bought the building, he still came about three times to check in on me and help guide me through things. He was a great mentor. I miss that about him. I still get so confused on some of the business aspects of things.”
“Hunter, my youngest, could help you. Denny groomed him from a young age to be like him and take over. He’ll be here later today. I could set up a business lunch at the hotel.”
“That would be great, but I know of a better place than the hotel for a business lunch. Talk to him and then have him call me.” I pull my business card out of my back pocket. “It has my cell phone number on it. It’s the best number to catch me at. I’m never in my office, especially this week with the memorial and pageant.”
“Speaking of the memorial, I’d like to speak at it if that’d be alright.”
“David, I’d love for you to do that for all of us here. If your children would like to speak too, that would be amazing. We have some parents of the kids, some kids he helped with hockey and even homework, and of course, I’ll be speaking. Then there’s a plaque that Landon Bright donated for the front of the building.”
“This town really loved him, didn’t they?”
“Denny was a force to be reckoned with.” I smile and tears well up in David’s eyes. It’s obvious he misses his brother. I don’t know what compels me, but I have to hug him. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“And I’m sorry for your loss. It seems like my brother had a whole other life I wasn’t a part of.”
“The annual tree lighting service is tomorrow. Come by. I’d love to introduce you to some of the business owners who knew Denny. They’d love to meet you. He talked a lot about you and your family. Actually,” I smile, “follow me.”
We walk back to the office. Unlocking it, I turn on the light, and we step inside. There are two desks. I haven’t touched Denny’s desk. We dust it, but David sits down in his chair. There are family pictures. “I couldn’t do anything with his stuff. If you want any of this, please take it.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll give you some time alone. The kids will be coming in soon, so we have practice. I need to stretch and get on the ice some, or I’ll be too sore to move tonight.” I smile at him, walking around to my side of the desk to grab my skates. I leave him alone as I let Maisy know that David’s in my office.
As I’m lacing on my skates, I see movement out of the corner of my eye— it’s Jack.
“So, I have answered your prayers.” He seems awfully cheery for working the night shift and then working a few hours this afternoon.
“I didn’t know you knew my prayers, but please tell me.” I stand up and skate around the ice, enjoying the cold as it fills my lungs. This is my happy place. The cold brings me to life.
“I found you a hot guy to take to your sister’s wedding.” Nearly tripping over my feet and landing face-first on the ice, I struggle to catch myself.
“You did what now?” I skate over to him. He explains meeting some guy who came to spend Christmas with his family. It’s his first time in Celebration. “You showed him my picture?”
“He thought you were a goddess.” I can’t help but blush. “I think you need to take him to your sister’s wedding and show everyone you’re not bothered by them. It will get them all off your back.”
“Jack, do you know what it is like to have everyone talking about this wedding? The looks I’m getting? It’s all poor Ava. The sad eyes and head tilt. It’s too much for me. Do you know what the wedding would be like? I don’t think I can handle it.”