Page 11 of Praying Mantis
“Who do I need to fuck to get a decent cup of coffee?” I groan out.
“Here. I went to the local mini-mart, and they brewed a fresh post. It’s better than this, but it’s not the shit you have at your place.” Tony hands me a large coffee.
“I’m not fucking you.” Tony smiles and flips me off. “What are we waiting for now?”
“The social workers and their reports. The one officer from the scene said he could get us the reports before then. I think it’s what he’s working on now.”
“Good. How did he keep custody of his kids? I know we’re not supposed to attack the victim, but shit like this pisses me off. The system let those kids down. Praying Mantis is a hit woman taking down evil men and women. We need new background checks on all the victims. We might find something we missed before.”
“You hate calling the unsub by the serial killer nickname, admiring this one?” Tony raises his eyebrow at me. Am I? Before I have time to answer, there’s a knock on the door. “Yeah?” The door opens and the officer from earlier walks in. He looks a little green around the edges.
“Everything okay?” I ask. He hands me the file. He points, then runs away. I’m assuming to go throw up. I open the report and it makes me want to throw up. I’ve seen a lot, but when kids are involved, it’s a different matter. “Jesus Fucking Christ.” I slam the folder shut. “I can’t believe he kept them.”
“Sean, I’m going to say this once and only once. I almost don’t want to catch her.” I nod. For once I don’t either. This man was pond scum.
It’s been about two months, and it’s been quiet from the handler. We are a week away from leaving for Lake Conroe, Texas for the Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem event that Matthew won the tickets for. Being completely honest with myself, I am so excited about this. As an escape from reality, I like to dive into a good book. The man Sean I met at the gym, but overheard his conversation with him and mom at the farmer’s market, has been in contact on and off. He apologized for going dark, but he’s been so busy at work. We make plans for dinner and either or both of us need to cancel. I’m happy to spend time with him at the gym since we both go later than normal people since he puts in odd hours where he works. We haven’t really talked much about work since we’re still getting to know each other, but it makes me wonder what he does that has him so busy all the time. Hearing my text tone go off, I see it’s Sean. I swear he senses when I’m thinking about him.
Sean: Good evening Lou. How are you tonight?
Me: Hey Sean. I’m relaxing with a glass of wine while reading a book.
Sean: Anything good?
Me: Yes, it’s a book about alpha male bikers and their overactive stamina.
Sean: Mommy porn? Before you judge me, my friends have wives. I’ve heard all about red rooms and bondage.
Me: I choked on my wine reading that last sentence. I am going with my friend Matthew to an author event.
Sean: Matthew?
Me: Don’t worry, he would be more into you than me.
Sean: Who said I was worried?
Me: Uh, huh.
Sean: Okay, when the girl I’m trying to date and get to know mentions another man, I get nervous, especially since I haven’t been able to give her the attention I want, or she deserves.
Me: I understand that work is completely important. When I get back from Texas, I’d like to see you. A proper date.
Sean: Received. Duty calls and I need to run into work. Talk later.
Sitting on the couch prepping my lesson plans for my substitute next week, I hear my email notification go off.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Student for Tutoring
Good evening,
We want to apologize for the late correspondence. We had another student whose parents were looking for your services. She is failing at several studies and is needing your impeccable service. Please let me know if you would be available.
Thank you