Page 25 of Praying Mantis
“This bitch is blocking Mrs. O’Hannon.” The second man speaks up. I hear Sean curse under his breath before walking toward his mom and me.
Hearing the commotion coming from the bathroom has me running toward it. Hearing someone call one of the two most important women in my life a bitch has me seeing red.
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a bitch?” Louisa has her hands on her hips blocking my mom from the scene. “You stormed into the women’s bathroom scaring us out of a private moment and you didn’t expect us to react?!” She yells as I step around the man. I can’t recall him.
“Mrs. O’Hannon is my responsibility. I don’t know you. You could be here to hurt her for all I know.” Louisa scoffs.
“I’m in a relationship with her son, why would I hurt her? I was comforting her while her husband is in surgery you fucking moron.” I look at my mom who is standing there with her mouth wide open. Nothing surprises my mom but apparently Louisa does.
“Louisa dear, this is Adam, my bodyguard. I’m sorry we took so long but I needed a break from everything and everyone. We’ll head up now. Is the floor cleared?” Adam looks to me for the answer.
“Did Colin give the order or not?” I snap. He shakes his head no. “Then get Mark and Daniel on it. Now.” The man behind Adam scurries out of the bathroom without looking at us. “Are you two okay?”
“We’re fine but he may need to get a check-up.” Louisa giggles while Adam glares at her. “Don’t call women bitches.” She snaps.
“Baby, can you dial it down please? Tempers and nerves are flaring up but a nice punch.”
“It was a thing of beauty. They came in and she didn’t even think twice about putting herself in front of me to protect me.” My mom’s twinkle and I know she’s mentally in the family safe with my great grandmother’s wedding set to bring it out for me. “Let’s get out of here okay?” My mom starts walking toward Adam who turns to walk out first.
“Is my mom okay?” My voice wavers. The stress of my dad on an operating table right now fighting for his life and my mom who is showing no emotions to me but I notice her eyes are red and puffy.
“She’s a strong woman. It’s a lot right now but she’ll be okay. Let’s go.” Louisa grabs my hand pulling me from the women’s bathroom.
“Why do you guys have a bench in the bathroom?” The words come out of my mouth making both my mom and Louisa laugh but never answering the question. Daniel comes back informing me the surgical waiting room is clear enough for us. There are people there but he didn’t see any cause for concern as they all checked out for family members waiting on surgery results. We rode up together. Colin is seething behind me and I roll my eyes. Daniel and Adam walk out first and I see a few of my dad’s men stationed on the floor. I nod as we walk past them. Louisa helps my mom over to a chair and they whisper about something which has my mom nodding her head. I check in with the volunteer at the desk and give her my name along with my dad’s name. She tells me a number to look at the screen to watch. I thank her.
“Can we talk?” Colin stands in front of me blocking my way to my mom and girl.
“Do we have to do this now? Can we wait until my father is in recovery?” My hands shake as I try to keep my temper in check. Every time I see Colin all I want to do is punch him in his smug face. He knows I don’t want this world and he can have it when Dad is gone but he has this hatred for me. I don’t know where it’s coming from because he knows I’m not going to fight him for the head of the O’Hannon family.
“Why are you ordering the men around?”
“Dad is in surgery if word gets out my mother is vulnerable someone could attack her. You didn’t have anyone check this floor out before she came up here so I made sure my mother and my girl are safe. You want to get into my face right now about this?” I step into him. We are now toe to toe but with me being almost six inches taller than him, I still tower over him slightly.
“Back off Fed or I’ll have to give you a beating you’ll never fully recover from.” Colin sneers at me.
“Fuck you. You’ll never get a chance because I’ll beat your ass so bad they’ll need a dentist to identify you so get the fuck out of my face so I can be with my mother.” I stare down at him, my nostrils flaring.
“Colin get away from my son.” My mom’s voice commands the room. “This is not the time or place for a dick measuring contest, believe me, my son will win every fucking time. Do. You. Hear. Me?” She punctuates every word of her sentence, meaning business. I always thought dad was the punisher in the family, but he had nothing on her. His shoulders passed me, trying to knock me off my kilter, but I stood firm. It’s ten minutes later when a doctor comes in searching for us and my mom takes one look at him and cries out no before falling to her knees. I can’t breathe. I think my heart stopped.
My dad was gone.
Sean and Cara went back to the house to get some rest. I told Sean I was coming home to grab a bag since we’ll be staying there for a while. I sniff as I walk into my closet to grab some clothes. I don’t know how to help him through this because Sean is living with so many regrets. When I saw his face fall when the doctor came in I needed to run to him but Cara was my priority. My phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts and I see it’s Sean.
“Hey, are you okay?” I ask not sure what to say.
“Baby, I can’t answer that question. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m at a loss right now.” His voice is deep and uncertain.
“The first thing you need to do is make sure there is food to nibble on and have dinner ready at the normal time. I’ll be there in about an hour. No one is going to want to eat but nibbling might be what we need to do for your mom. If she knows there’s a dinner being cooked, she’ll show up because she has manners. Second thing to do is lean on me. I may not know what you’re going through but I’ll be more than happy to struggle with you.”
“I love you; you know that right?” His words come out louder and stronger this time.
“I love you too Sean. Go get some rest and I’ll wake you when I get there okay?”
“What would I do without you?” His voice shakes and I know he’s fighting the tears back. “Just hurry okay? I don’t like you not being around me.” He hangs up the phone.