Page 27 of Praying Mantis
It’s been three days since Sean’s father passed away. I’m at my apartment packing another bag to head back over to Cara’s house since I forgot about the actual black dress for the funeral, when I hear my tone for a new message on another email. The timing on this is horrible as I’m getting ready to leave for the visitation.
From: [email protected]
Subject: Student for Tutoring
Good afternoon,
Sorry for the last minute email, but we have a student in dire need of your impeccable tutoring skills. They are struggling with prepping for SAT’s and need your services. Please look over the information and let us know as soon as possible.
Thank you
Educators United
I open the email and read over the beginning until I see the names Colin O’Sullivan and Sean Fortin. My hands shake and I run to the bathroom to throw up the breakfast Maeve made us before I left.
“What the fuck happened in that office between these two men?” I mutter.
Fuck, there is no way I’m going to take this! How can I take out someone I love, but then the thought hits if I don’t will someone else? That someone won’t give a chicken-fried fuck about Sean and only look at the cash they could stand to make. I wanted to just retire and had the conversation I needed to have with my handler to close this chapter once and for all and forget about being the “Praying Mantis.” I really thought I had a future with Sean, but now I’m not so sure. Now it seems I have to pray Sean doesn’t throw me in jail while he also breaks my heart, or worse, I break his heart too.
Standing in my old room at my mother’s, I stare in the mirror making sure that my suit is in order. Nothing out of place, I wouldn’t want my mother to fret over the small stuff. I’m so thankful for Louisa and how she took over what my mother would normally be doing. I hear my mother’s underlying comments about how she would be the perfect queen to stand with her king. After talking to a few of my father’s men, and even though I love my job at the FBI, the urge to protect what my father built is powerful.
“Sean, are you almost ready?” My mother knocks at my door and her voice sounds so tired.
“You can come in, Mother, I’m just making sure everything is in place.” The door opens up and there stands my mother in her black Versace dress, looking completely put together until you look into her eyes to see nothing but sadness. I see on the lapel of her dress my father’s flag of Ireland pin that he always wore on his tie.
“Sean, you are so handsome. You remind me so much of your father when he was younger.” I can hear the strain of her voice trying to keep the emotions at bay while she fixes my tie.
“Máthair.” I lay my hand on hers as she looks up at me, and the tears that she can no longer contain flow down her face. “Today we will remember Father, and tomorrow I will continue thinking about my place in his empire he has left.” Smiling, she lightly pats my cheek and then leaves the room.
Walking into the foyer, I see Colin staring intensely down at his phone. Sensing someone in the room, he snaps his head up and scowls at me. “Good morning, Colin.” If he wants to be an asshole, well checkmate, I’ll raise you sarcasm. “Why are you here and not securing the funeral home? You know there are going to be enemies coming to get a look at my dad dead and in the coffin.”
“I put men on it. I know how to do my fucking job. Maybe you need to learn your place.” Colin is no longer holding back his disdain for me. Now my father is gone, and Mom isn’t around to hear. He doesn’t realize she hears all, even when she isn’t in the room. I step up to him.
“Learn my place? I’m an O’Hannon something you’ll never be so learnyourfucking place. This isn’t about who is in charge right now. It’s about saying goodbye to my father, my mother’s husband.”
“Boys, I have canceled the dick measuring contest.” Louisa’s voice comes behind Colin. “This isn’t the time for you two to act a fool. Colin, what are you supposed to be doing right now? I’m pretty sure boss one and two shouldn’t be arriving together at the funeral home. Am I right?” Colin mutters something. “Go now, so Cara doesn’t have to worry about the two of you.” Colin scowls at me before storming out of the house. “Are you stupid? Picking a fight with him is not the way to go right now.” Something has changed in Louisa since she’s been gone.
“What happened?” My tone doesn’t give her an option to skip the question.
“Nothing, why do you ask?” Louisa makes a quick scan of the room avoiding my eyes. “I’m going to run my suitcase upstairs then we should get going. There’s a limo outside waiting on us. Where’s your mom?”
“In the dining room having coffee. I’ll go get her.” I sigh. Louisa walks past me and I grab her wrist stopping her from going any further. “If something is wrong or if I did something, please talk to me. Don’t shut me out again. I love you.”
“I love you too. I just got an email from someone, and it’s freaked me out. I have a major decision to make, and I don’t know what to do. I promise once today is behind us, we will talk.” Louisa cups my cheek with her free hand and I lean into it. It’s the simplest touch but right now it’s everything I could ever want or need.
“I love you.” I let go of her wrist.
“I just don’t think that’s going to be enough,” Louisa mumbles under her breath not realizing I could hear her. She races upstairs in her black dress and matching heels. I watch her go wondering what has her so spooked. Did Colin do something or say something? Shaking my head out of these thoughts, I head toward the dining room, but my mom is standing in the doorway.
“She has a secret and I think she’s afraid you’ll leave her.” My mother’s quiet voice echoes in the foyer. “Don’t let that one get away. She could be a serial killer for all I care. I love her and want her in the family.”
“Máthair, I’m an FBI agent,” I remind her to roll my eyes.
“We shall see.” She smiles as Louisa makes a reappearance.