Page 38 of Praying Mantis
As we step into the bedroom where his body lay, I see the closet door ajar.
“Have you been anywhere else in the apartment?” I address Agent Drummer.
“No, nothing has been disturbed.”
“When the crime lab gets here, make sure that all closets are checked, especially this one in the bedroom.” Tony gives me a what the fuck look. “Colin was a man who liked everything to be in order. That’s why my father kept him around. The closet door ajar is throwing off some red flags for me.” Agent Drummer makes a note of it. “Is there anything else you need from me? I need to go check on my mom. She’s known Colin for over twenty years and with her just losing my dad, this might be hard for her.”
“A couple more questions. Do you know if he has any biological family? Also, we know your father was the head of the Irish mob out of Boston. Colin was helping us bring him down. Do you think any of your father’s men would have done this?”
“His sister lives in New Jersey, I think. They haven’t spoken in years since his dad died. I remember a big fight between the two of them. You’re in organized crime. Would someone in the mafia do a hit on someone without a direct order? No one has taken over for my father yet. You can’t kill family, or you’ll suffer even worse than what that bastard went through.”
“So no love lost between the two of you?” Drummer asks. I roll my eyes.
“No. Would I want him dead? No, he was family in the sense of being a part of the O’Hannon family, whether I was a member or not. As you know, I am not because I joined the FBI instead of following in my dad’s footsteps. Please do your homework. Since my dad and now Colin are gone, I need to go check on things with my mom and the men. If someone did it, I will find out.” I walk out of the apartment pissed I let my guard down for two seconds and now I think I became a suspect.
“Sean, where were you last night and the night before?” Drummer asks before I get into the elevator. I turn to face her.
“Last night, I was out with friends. We were at the gym, then went to a sports bar to watch the Red Sox kick the Yankees’ ass. If you need names ask your partner, Agent Dumas, and this guy next to me. Those are two of the ten guys with me. As far as the night before, my mom and my girlfriend were at the new restaurant which opened up on Market Street. Do you need a receipt? I can ask my mom for it since she paid.”
“No, this is all I needed from you. I don’t know if SSA Frost told you or not, but you are not part of this investigation.” Drummer stares at me trying to intimidate me which makes me want to laugh.
“Will you keep me apprised of things? I’d like to make sure my mom or my father’s men are not in danger.”
“I can see if I’m allowed.” I nod and follow Tony onto the elevator. We drive out of town to an abandoned area. I turn on the cell phone signal jammer and get out of the car. Tony follows me.
“Want to fill me in now?” he demands. “I feel you know something and just lied to a fellow agent.”
“Colin put a hit out on me on the dark web. I overheard him on the phone about it. He was standing outside my dad’s office not knowing I was in there.” I feel like a complete ass lying to my friend, but I need to protect Louisa. “He thought I was taking over for my dad. I was telling him I wasn’t but now that he’s gone, I’m quitting the FBI. I’m going to make the O’Hannon family legit.” I’m still going to do some illegal shit too because it’s where the money is but if I can hide behind the legal businesses then that’s the plan.
“I don’t know what to say. I’ll miss having you as a partner but I also know there is more to tell me. I’ll respect you for keeping me in the dark on things and if you need anything, I got your back.” He shakes my hand pulling me into a hug.
“We better go keep up appearances and head to my mom’s house in case Drummer is watching us. I didn’t kill Colin and I didn’t order the hit on him. I honestly don’t know who did it.” We headed to my mom’s house, and I let Louisa know what I told Tony and Drummer. Walking into the house, knowing I’m not head of the O’Hannon family yet, things are going to be bumpy as I weed out the Colin followers and build my new empire. I know it will be challenging, but with my Queen by my side, there is nothing I cannot conquer. Speaking of Louisa, she settles at my side and gives me a light squeeze. I lean down and kiss her plump lips.
“I love you, my queen.”
“And I you, my king.” My hand settles onto her lower back as we walk through the house.
Three months later
Louisa’s nerves have been all over the place. I tried to talk to her about feelings and especially hers toward her mom. She’s been working at moving on from her mom since she stopped being a hitwoman. After the hit went wrong on me, Jean, her mom slash handler, lost her shit. Louisa’s OCD was so bad, it worried me. She wasn’t eating or sleeping until I finally sat her down and got her involved with my work. She’s now fully working with me and helping with the O’Hannon Family since we got engaged a month ago. It took us a whole month to find all the men who, with the help of Colin, start a coup. Finn, Louisa, even my mom, along with me, killed all twenty-three men. Their families were outcast, and no longer received the benefits of being part of the mob. I don’t like to kill innocent women and children, so we still monitor them to make sure they stay the fuck away from us. Tony has even been a big help since moving to the organized crime unit. Agent Drummer is watching him closely because of our friendship, but if anything comes up toward us, he lets us know. Finn is now my second in command because Louisa said she doesn’t want to be under me unless it’s when we’re having sex. Louisa is lying next to me, sleeping. My phone vibrates in my hand.
FINN: Here. Is the queen sleeping?
ME: Yeah, out like a light. I fucked her good and hard, so she was exhausted.
FINN: Dude, seriously. Stop talking.
ME: LOL On my way
I crawl out of bed, trying not to disturb her. I look back at her as I grab my black hoodie from the chair and place my Colt M1911 in my shoulder holster before jogging out of the house. I let John know I’ll be back later, but there are men around the house for security. He understands the drill, but I want to take charge and execute it the way I think it should be done and not like my father. He knows how important Mom and Louisa are to me and he’d die before anything happened to them. It gives me courage to leave the house like this mission Finn and I are on together.
“What’s up fucker?” he says in his heavy Irish accent.