Page 13 of Medusa's Revenge
“Why? You don’t know me, and I just met you today.” Staring into Amelia’s eyes, I see something. She doesn’t trust easily.
“I’m not going to lie to you; I am extremely attracted to you. You are my boss’s sister, and how he talked about you made me think you hung the moon and made the stars. You are someone I want to get to know.” She shakes her head while holding the peas. I lean into her, and our foreheads are touching.
“I don’t know,” Amelia whispers.
The roar of the motorcycles breaks us apart as TJ yells the cavalry has arrived. We walk back in with the peas on her face. Smitty takes a look at us before narrowing on Amelia’s cheek.
“No. He hit like a sissy. He just caught me off guard. That's why it’s bruising.” The door swings open, and women come piling in, all asking questions. I moved closer to TJ, who is out of site as well.
“I know I’m not going to get answers, but if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.” He shakes my hand.
“Are you into my sister?” TJ squeezes my hand harder.
“Remember, that is my working hand. I find her intriguing and want to know her more. Where that leads,” I shrug. “I’d like to find out.”
“I don’t know. She doesn’t lead an easy life and tends to jump before knowing what’s happening.”
“Michelle is involved!” I hear Ruby’s voice above all of them. Every eye is on her. “Who else would’ve given them that code? Take your fucking blinders off with her. She almost got you or TJ or both of you killed! When is it going to stop?” My eyes takein everyone in the room. Everyone is staring at Amelia, then TJ.Who is this, Michelle?
“Stop.” TJ’s booming voice gets everyone’s attention. “Michelle is our sister, and we will deal with her.”
”She just made this club business.” Some blonde speaks up. “I love Michelle like she is my sister too. I was there when your mom brought her home from the hospital. The only people with that code are the officers in the club, Smitty, you,” she points to TJ, “And Michelle. She’s been dodging all of us for months now. When was the last time you saw her face to face?”
“I saw her two weeks ago when she came to the shop.” TJ stares at Ruby, who confirms it. “She was good. We have this jackass’s cell phone, and Joker can do her thing. Leave Michelle to Amelia and me.”
“No, we can’t do that,” Ruby speaks up. “I’m sorry, Teej, but that is her handwriting. She set up your sister, our club president. Michelle could be working for the DeMarcos for all we know.” Amelia scoffs.
“Can we please talk about why we’re here? Him.” She motions to the dead guy. “Tripline, you do your thing. We got everything we needed from him. Make him disappear.” The woman, who I’m assuming is Tripline, steps forward with gloves on and begins working on laying out a blue tarp, rolling him onto it. “As far as Michelle is concerned,” she sighed, looking at TJ, “give me a couple of days to figure out what needs to be done. She is my blood.” She swallows hard. She and TJ walk together into the kitchen.
“They need time to talk.” Ruby stands next to me. “Thanks for being here.”
“I’m here to help like I told Arthur—I’m a lawyer, so it’s all confidential.” I wink at her. She laughs.
“We now have a lawyer for the club.” She high fives me after handing me a dollar bill to pay my retainer. “We never hadthat before. We might need you some time.” We laugh. Ruby is becoming one of my favorite people. I hope we become friends and can help navigate club life for me. “Michelle is a touchy subject. Those two have always kept her in the dark about the dangers of the real world. She doesn’t know if guys use her to get to Medusa. Michelle’s never had a broken heart. She’s in college but is heavily guarded.”
“I was like that to a point growing up. I came from money, and it came with conditions. My Dad is a high-profile defense attorney who has had a lot of unsavory clients. We were threatened a lot, so I had the driver and the bodyguards, and everyone needed to be checked by the security team. It wasn't delightful. I understood how the world worked, though. My Dad is an ass and made sure to remind me what a God he is.”
“So you have a different perspective and could help Medusa and TJ through this minefield called Michelle. I love her.” Ruby rattles on. “I just think they need to give her some tough love.”
“It’s not for you or any of them,” I motion to the rest of the room, “to tell Amelia and TJ. They need to figure it out on their own. They have to pull the trigger, metaphorically speaking.” Ruby nods. I look back toward the kitchen, where TJ and Amelia are still talking.
Chapter Eleven
”Could Michelle be involved with this?” I ask TJ, but I'm not sure I want the answer to my question.
“It’s the only reason I can think of him having the code in her handwriting. Is Lucas only close with her because of you? Does Michelle know she’s being used, or is Michelle helping?” I blow out my breath. “I agree with your officers. Michelle is working for the other side, whether she knows it or not. She needs some tough love.” I feel like my heart stopped hearing those words from my brother’s lips.
“Are you fucking serious? I can’t believe you would say those words.” TJ’s words completely floor me. “She’s our sister. We promised to protect her from day one.”
“We were ten and six! We also didn’t think our Dad would get killed five years later and our mom would take off three years after that. We have done everything to protect her. You paid for her college dorm, and I know you have a savings account for the two of us with the profit from the body shop instead of saving it for you.” I roll my eyes. “I’m not stupid. I get the statements. I bet Michelle does, too. It’s never a thank you from her. She expects us to bend over backward for her. We stop what we are doing to bail her out. I’m done.”
“TJ, are you serious?” I push him. “It’s just the three of us.”
“Blood isn’t always family. Michelle can’t even be bothered to come to family dinner once a week or once a month. I wouldn't have seen her if she hadn’t had a problem with her car. When was the last time you saw her? Talk to her and not through text?” I sigh because I can’t even answer that question. It’s always been a text. I’m the one initiating it. “It’s going to be hard, but what would’ve happened if we hadn’t paid attention to the no beeping? He could’ve killed you, me, or even someone you had as a house sitter like a prospect.”