Page 30 of Medusa's Revenge
“Mr. Cameron, what do you think you’re doing?” The daytime charge nurse chastises me.
“I’m leaving. There’s a family emergency. Take this out of me. Give me the papers, and I’ll sign out AMA.” I’m leaving here against medical advice.
“You can’t leave. They haven’t discharged you yet.” She’s trying to get me back in bed.
“Listen here.” I stare down at her. My tone is angry and loud. “I don’t give a fuck about my health right now. Get me my discharge papers now. I’m leaving here in the next ten minutes. There’s a more important family emergency.” She huffs and tells the one nurse who was standing in the doorway to get the IV out of me. She’s on the phone with someone.
“We’ll be there as soon as I can spring Noah. He isn’t staying here while Amelia is in pain.” He hangs up the phone. “Need help with your sneakers?” I nod. He bends down as I sit on the bed, wincing a little as I do so.
“I have all of your IVs out, and here are all the supplies you will need to change your bandages. Your mom watched when she was here, so she knows how and the woman with the red curly hair saw me do it while you were in your coma. Once you see what’s in here, you’re good to go. The only thing you’re going to need is pain pills and an antibiotic.” The nurse hands a bag to TJ after he stands up from kneeling on the floor. He smiles at her. He’s gathering up my laptop, phone, chargers, and other things my mom left here.
“You need to let your mom know we’re leaving so they don’t come here.” TJ reminds me.
“I’m sorry for the problems I’m causing. Family first about my health.” She nods, telling me she understands. The charge nurse comes in and huffs at me.
“The doctor wants you to know he thinks this is stupid. He did give you a prescription for an antibiotic and painkiller. The pharmacy here is closed for the night, but here is a supply for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning. Please make sure you finish the antibiotics. Since you don’t have a primary care doctor, these are the ones I recommend. Call them and explain your situation. They’ll be able to get you in right away.”
“Thank you.” I sign the paperwork. “You took great care of me. What about physical therapy?”
“They will call you to set up outpatient therapy. Don’t rush things. Take it slow, so you’re not back in the emergency room.” I handed the paperwork to her and thanked her again. TJ hands me my cell phone, and we leave my room. I’m calling my mom to let her know I’m leaving the hospital and let her know Amelia’s sister is missing. She’s going to stay at my apartment waiting for word from me. TJ helps me into his truck, and he heads to the clubhouse.
“Do you need a pain pill?” He asks, watching the road.
“No. I had a shot through my IV after my physical therapy. It’s making me feel dizzy. How are you holding up?”
“I don’t know. There are so many thoughts running through my head. Did Luca take her because we said no to him one too many times? Is she throwing a tantrum because Amelia is trying some tough love with her? Did she have a stalker at school we didn’t know about? She never talked to us once she left this town and went to school.”
“Was she ashamed of where she came from?” Amelia won’t talk about her past. If I try asking about it, she gets this faraway look on her face like she’s remembering a trauma.
“Big time. We grew up in a run-down apartment building. Dad was murdered right in front of Amelia. Mom shacked up with a guy not even three days after his funeral. She eventually left us when Amelia hit eighteen. She did everything she could to keep us together. The apartment was so disgusting that we made a game out of naming the cockroaches. The Valkyries ended up buying the building and redid it. They upgraded it. Those who grew up in that building never had their rent raised once they paid off the amount of the repairs for their apartment, she handed them ownership. Amelia knew how hard it was to start fresh. She never wanted Michelle or me to struggle. Amelia sacrificed everything for us, and Michelle hates her for it. She blames Amelia for mom leaving because they fought all the fucking time. Mom would get money from fucking men, but she never paid the bills. Amelia ran errands for a local mob to ensure we had food, a roof over our heads, and heat during the wintertime. Michelle couldn’t do much of the normal teenage girl stuff because there was no money.”
“Wow. I didn’t realize it was so bad. She won’t talk about it.” I comment as TJ slows down to the gate.
“Hey, Medusa’s expecting us.” He tells one of the two girls standing near the gate. The other one is staring at me like I have two heads. I nod at her, letting her know I see her watching me. She doesn’t back down with the sneer on her face. “What is your deal, Catty?”
“Are we sure this one isn’t a plant?” The woman, who is known as Catty, snaps at TJ.
“Catty! I’m sorry about her. We’re all on edge tonight. Medusa will use you as her knife-throwing dummy if you don't watch yourself.”
“Thanks, Fancy, for defending Medusa’s boyfriend. He’s good.” There’s some crackle on the intercom; I hear Joker tell them to open the fucking gate. Fancy does as she is told, and Catty still watches me like a hawk.
“What is her deal?” “Catty is her road name. I don’t know her real name, but she has a chip on her shoulder and can get pretty catty with the other prospects.”
“I need a guidebook about all this motorcycle club shit. I don’t want to piss someone off by accident.”
“That could get you killed.” TJ’s tone is serious, but his eyes twinkle. “You might be okay, but you should pay attention to things.”
“You’re such an asshole. Now help me out of this truck.” He does just that, and we walk in together. There’s a circle of women, and the center of it is Amelia. She looks even smaller than her short height. This is breaking my heart.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
“Merida.” I hear his voice. It’s like he knows I need his comfort right now. I need his arms around me right now.. I sigh, feeling his callous fingers on my face. My head is being moved back. “Open your eyes.” Following the directions of his voice in my head, I blink a few times as Noah’s silhouette comes into view.
“Noah?” The whisper comes from my lips before I could stop it. He nods his head. I jump up from the chair and cling to him like he’s the last person in the world, and I just found him. He hisses, and I try to break apart.
“No. Stay. I finally have you in my arms. I’m here, baby, and not leaving.” He kisses the top of my head before placing his forehead on mine. This man left the hospital for me. Wait.