Page 32 of Medusa's Revenge
“I’m going to go lay down. Do you have a spare room?” Noah stands in front of me. Derby comes in running and hands Noah a bag. “Thanks.”
“You can stay in my room with me.” I head off to my room and I don’t need to turn around to see if he’s following me. I know because I feel his eyes on me. I think we’re about to have our first fight. I don’t want one because I just need his arms around me more than sex right now.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Amelia holds the door open, and I step in and look around. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I see one of my T-shirts on the bed like she’d been wearing it. It makes me smile.
“Let’s have it.” Amelia’s tone is defeated.
“Have what? This bag is my bandages, pills, paperwork, laptop, and chargers. Do you need them?” I know I’m being an ass right now, but her nose crinkling when she’s mad at me makes it all worth it. She’s like an angry elf when she does it. I move to sit on her bed. I sigh in relief. “How much pain are you in?” Her tone is more of concern than annoyance.
“The standing and stretching of the skin hurt. The physical therapist says that is normal. I need to get with a primary doctor soon so they can ensure it’s all healing the way they want it to be.” I smile at her. “Now, can I ask you something?” Amelia nods. “Can we please take a nap where I just hold you? It’s been too damn long.” Amelia cries as she comes to my good side and snuggles into me. “Hey, what’s wrong, buttercup?”
“I thought you were going to yell at me for not telling you about Richie Jr. or snapping at you in the front of the room of all my girls.”
“Buttercup, first of all, your sister went missing hours after you found out his name. We haven’t even talked yet today. Second of all, you snapping in front of a room of women I don’t know yet, not my favorite thing to happen, but I’m not going to argue with you about it. We’ve known each other two months, so we’re still trying to get to know each other—so relax. We are going to disagree on things and guess what?” I pause and she asks what? “We are going to learn how to handle our disagreements like adults. If you snap at me, we will discuss it when you’re ready. I’m not running so relax about that okay?”
“Thank you. I was worried you’d be mad at me.” I wipe the tears from Amelia’s cheeks.
“I’m worried about you. You’re doing so much on so little sleep. Help me get into some boxers I left here so we can sleep while everyone is working.” She giggles and stands.
“What do you need help with?” I tell her my shoes, pants, and t-shirt. I’m going to milk her being my nurse. It takes about fifteen minutes to get into bed, but I finally have her in my arms.
“I want to fuck you so bad right now, but I know I need to wait. Just know you’re always on my mind.”
“Noah, knowing you want me even when I snapped at you and kept secrets from you, makes me happy.” Amelia smiles at me.
“TJ filled me in on some things with the club. I know there are things you can’t tell me. I’m okay with that because at the end of the day as long as you’re here in my arms, I’m complete. Am I going to want to question you all the fucking time? Hell fucking yes. Am I going to respect your club and their rules? Hell fucking yes. Am I going to drive you up the wall until you fuck me to get to me to forget I’m a nosey bastard? Again, hell fucking yes.” Amelia burst out laughing and it’s music to my ears. “Now come Koala bear my body.”
“When we first slept together you fell asleep with arms and legs wrapped around me like a koala on a tree. So now when I want you to cuddle, Koala bear my body, buttercup.”
“That’s a mouthful.” I open my mouth. “That’s what she said.” We spent the next few minutes laughing. I can feel the stress leaving her body as sleep captures her. I kiss the top of her head.
“I don’t ever want to lose you. I’ll kill anyone who tries to stop me.” Then sleep takes me under, for I don’t know how long it takes, but I wake up to Amelia shaking me up and yelling my name. I shoot up in the bed, yelling out in pain.
“You were thrashing around in the bed. I think you were having a nightmare.” My body is a sweaty mess and some of my bandages look like there’s blood on them. “Want to talk about it?”
“I guess the pain meds were keeping them away. I haven’t had one before until now.” Amelia places her hand on my beating heart. All the encouragement I need to talk about it. “It’s just reliving the bombing but this time you are with me in the office. We are standing there talking then I feel this heat on my body. It’s nothing like I’ve ever felt before. As I scream out in pain, I see you thrashing around trying to get free. You’re throwing chairs, garbage cans and even yourself, but the windows won’tbreak. Then you’re gone and I’m dying on the floor. What time is it?” My hands shake and I can feel myself soaking wet.
“We slept about six hours. TJ should be back in about thirty minutes. Are you allowed to take a shower?” I nod. “Come on. I’ll wash your back.”
The hot water is wonderful on my body. The bandages have fallen off and they don’t look too bad. I think it was the bandages on my skin when I stretch making me hiss out in pain. I can move with minimal pain. Amelia and I are kissing in the shower and I can feel my cock harden having her this close to me. I need to be inside her. Amelia breaks the kiss and lowers herself to the floor of the shower. She licks her lips as she stares up at me.
“You look like a Goddess right now on your knees.” Amelia kisses the head of my cock before moving to my shaft, leaving little kisses.
“Oh, how I missed your cock. My fingers just don’t do it for me anymore.”
“Merida, do you want to get fucked or suck me off?” I swallow hard as she takes the tip of my cock into her mouth. She flicks her tongue and I moan. My head goes back to lean on the wall. Amelia takes my whole cock into her mouth and her cheeks hollow out. “Jesus fucking Christ.” My hands go straight to her curly hair, wrapping it around my right hand so I can take control when I need to. She’s moving my cock in and out of her mouth. Amelia takes her hands and twists my cock as she moves in and out. I almost come like a thirteen-year-old boy. “Oh, I won’t last if you keep working on me like that. Baby, slide a finger inside you and tell me how wet you are right now with my cock in your mouth.”
Amelia slides her finger inside her pussy and moans around my cock. She releases my cock from her mouth, “So fucking wet baby and all because of you.” Amelia’s voice is husky. She takesmy cock back into her mouth as I lean my head back on the shower.
“You said fingers just don’t do it for you right now, but I want you to play with your clit when I get close. I want you to come when I do. If I can’t fuck you, feeling your pussy strangling my dick, then this will have to work for now.” Amelia moans vibrating my cock. She’s moving her hands and head faster. My hands loop around her hair and I tighten my hold so I can take control of the speed. I slide my cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and the Goddess swallows making me almost release. I don’t know how I got so lucky with her. My hips moving in a rhythm matching her speed on her clit.
“I need to come baby.” My voice is strained. “Are you ready for me?” She nods and two more thrusts into her mouth, I’m releasing my load into her mouth as she moans her way through her orgasm.