Page 35 of Medusa's Revenge
“The cameras are down.” Joker’s voice comes through our comms. “I also shut down the electricity in his apartment. Send up our electricians.” Tiffany “Leslie” Kaiser and one of our prospects head in wearing the gray jumpsuits to look like they belong. We follow talking like we are visiting someone in case someone is a nosy person. We don’t want to cause any concern.
“Are we killing him here or torturing him?” Bubbles's voice comes through the comms.
“Both,” I replied. I know Noah wanted this, but it’s daylight and we can’t afford to move him with witnesses. Trip is checking the door frame for explosives before Leslie knocks on the door.
“Electric company.”
“About damn time. It went out and no one is telling me anything.” The man’s gruff voice on the other side yells. “I’vebeen calling the electric company and they’ve been telling me that there’s nothing wrong with my apartment.” Richie Jr. throws open the door and I stick the gun right between the eyes. “What the fuck is this?” I put my perfectly manicured finger to my lips for him to be quiet. I push him back into his apartment and everyone follows me in. They shut the door, check every room to make sure no one else is here while I keep the gun I pulled out pointed at his face. Trip is tying him to a kitchen chair as Bubbles finds dirty socks to shove in his mouth then duck tapes over them. He gags, which makes me smile.
“Now, you’re going to answer yes or no by nodding or shaking your head. Do you understand?” Richie Jr. says nothing. I take my gun putting it under his chin as Bubbles pulls on his hair to make him look at us. “Don’t make me repeat myself or you’ll lose some important body parts. I place knee between his leg pressing into it his cock. He grunts as I add more pressure. “Now, do I need to repeat the question?” He shakes his head no. “Good. Answer the question I asked.” Richie Jr. nods. I smile removing my knee. “Did you build the bomb that blew up Tanner’s Auto Body?” He nods. “Did Luka give you the order?” He shakes his head. “Did Tommy DeMarco give it?” Richie Jr.’s eyes widen as he looks around the room. Bubbles fingers go white as she tightens her grip on Richie’s brown hair. He nods as his breathing starts to get faster. I remove the tape and he spits out the sock. “Where can I find Tommy?”
“Please. He’ll kill me if I say anything.” Richie begs me.
“What do you think I’m going to do to you?” I tilt my head as I stare into his brown eyes. “See that bomb you made, destroyed my brother’s business and my boyfriend was in that building. You almost killed him. I don’t let that stand. You hurt my family, I hurt you. Your answers will determine how much you will suffer in the end.”
“So I tell you what I know and you kill me, or I stay quiet and you kill me? Am I right?” Richie’s tone is dry.
“Yes and no. Tell me what I want to know and you get a bullet in your skull, quick and easy. Don’t tell me what I want then fingers gone, dick gone, and possibly toes. What do you think?” I look at Trip. She’s just as sick as me when it comes to torture.
“I was thinking some fire play. I mean he did burn up Tanner’s shop and Noah’s body. I think it’d be harmonious to hear the screams coming from him.” Trip whispers in his ear. “I’ll fall asleep to the screams. My vote is don’t tell her.” We all laugh.
“You’re all fucked in the head.” Richie’s voice shakes.
“Duh!” Bubbles laugh.
“Tick Tock, Richie. What’s it going to be?” I ask again. “Easy and painless or fun and painful. I mean hard and painful.”
“Who are you bitches?” He demands and I roll my eyes.
“There is a couple of black sedans circling the neighborhood. They’ve been by three times since you’ve been in there.” Joker comes through my earpiece. Leslie goes to stand by the window to look since she’s wearing the uniform. “They must’ve seen movement because one stopped in front of the building.”
“Fuck.” I mutter. I stand and walk over. “Luka.” I whisper as I see him getting out of the stopped car. I wonder if my sister is with him. “Richie, times up. What’s it going to be?”
“I’m not telling you shit.” He spits his phlegm at me and I barely get out of the way.
“Good. Because I’m tired of your voice. This is over. You could’ve died so quietly.” Trip hands me one of the backpacks she brought it. I open it grabbing the gasoline. I douse him with it. I even pick up the sock to put it in his mouth. “Just so you know, Tommy doesn’t give a fuck about you. He sent his son over here to kill you. You’re a liability.” I light the sock in mouth as Trip tosses her lighter on the floor in the puddle of gasoline. “Joker, is there anyone out back?”
“No. You’re good to go down the fire escape.” She laughs at her own joke. Our electric company workers leave and start toward the elevator as we all hustle down the fire escape.
“What now?” Bubbles ask as we get into the van while we wait for our drivers. I punch the panel inside the van. I was hoping Richie would’ve said something.
“I don’t know. I was hoping he would’ve said something, but he was too loyal to Tommy.” Trip comes running to the van and smiles. “What?”
“Tracker in the gas tank. They’ll never find it.” Leslie finally gets here, and we take off. She tells us about running into Luka and on the third floor. He had walked up the stairs but had men waiting at the elevators on the ground floor. I don’t think we were spotted.
“Back to the drawing board for Tommy.” I close my eyes as my head rests on my knees. “If I’d known that Luka would’ve been there, I’d have kidnapped him.” I feel a kick to my boot, so I glance up and it’s like the plan is forming in my head. Trip, Bubbles and I stare at each other. We all smile because we just figured out our next plan. Now to watch the tracker. As I stare at my girls, I can’t help but wonder,is Michelle really a willing participant or was she really kidnapped?
Chapter Thirty-One
Smitty, TJ, Derby, and I head out to the gun range. I know Tripline was going to teach me, but since they’re off on a mission, Derby said she’d show me the basics. Smitty also said he needed a refresher course. Some of the prospects followed us so they could practice.
Derby comes out with a smile on her face carrying two cases. One looks like a guitar case and the other one looks like it could hold a laptop. I smooth my hands down my sweatpants as I’m a little nervous. My father never wanted us to use guns because that is what his security team was for and why we pay for police.
“I brought you a couple of handguns so you can get the feel of them and then I brought one of Smitty’s favorite. It’s the sniper rifle. He’s going to show you how to use the scope and all the fancy things. I’m more of a handgun and knife girl myself.” Derby pulls out her purple butterfly knife. I raise my eyebrow. “Just because it gets bloody doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun with it, lawyer boy.” She teases me. In the time since moving here, Derby and I have this fun brother and sister banter. We tease each other but know we got each other’s backs no matter what.
“Pretty knife got it. Just don’t go for my dick. Medusa seems to like it.” I wink at her. I hear a gag from the doorway. TJ is standing there. “Oops.” Derby giggles. “All right, let's get this party started.” I wiggle my eyebrows as Derby rolls her eyes at me. TJ comes to stand with us with his own gun case.