Page 41 of Medusa's Revenge
“Two down.” Noah’s voice comes through the comms. I smile knowing he’s okay. “Getting into position now.” The women and TJ double check their guns, bullets, and extra magazines. I walk over to TJ and stare into his eyes.
“I’m good.” He reassures me. I see the determination in his eyes. I grab at his vest to make sure it’s secure. TJ grabs my shoulders and I stop touching him. “We’re going to end this tonight. Tripline was whistling earlier as she set up the bombs in the van.” “She does love when things go boom.” I chuckle. “We’re going to take Michelle back to the shed. She’ll be treated as a hostile until we know what’s going on.”
“If she fires a gun at us, will we try to take her out?” TJ’s eyes narrow on me. I shrug. I’m not sure how to answer that question.
“All men are down.” Derby’s voice comes through. “Joker, you’re up.”
“All right everyone. Let’s do this. On Joker’s word.” I get my Glock ready and count to ten in my head.
“The door is unlocked,” Joker tells us. She’s staying in the van to monitor everything. I lick my lips as I lead the group toward the door. I notice the green light next to the door. I lift my hand up, making a fist. Tripline uses her camera to check to make sure nothing is attached to the door that could hurt us. She nods and I turn the door handle. “I have control of the cameras inside. I can help lead you. You have about six men working on cars in the main room, which you’re going to see you as soon as you open the door.”
“Thanks.” I open the door and raise my gun. We walk in and try to hide, but the bullets start flying. We return fire. It reminds me of the westerns my dad used to watch on Saturdays. Some of them were way off, hitting everything and nothing at all, while others were whizzing by my head. We managed to get the men down. but Joker’s in our ear telling us we altered more people. “Divide and conquer.” We had already made up teams since we had blueprints since Joker hacked into the records department. We know there are a few rooms where we think Michelle, Luca, and Tommy are going to be. I’m heading toward the back of the building. TJ, Bubbles, and Flanagan are right on my heels with a few members. Tripline is heading up most of the fight with Shrink along with the members and prospects. Tripline is going to be laying the charges so we can blow the building when we’re done.
“Two SUVs just pulled.” Derby’s voice comes through. “There’s about ten in total. Someone sounded the alarm to the organization.” I hear the puffs of air coming through as she was talking. I know they were firing their guns trying to make sure no one comes in.
“Turn left Medusa.” Joker’s voice comes through. “I saw Luca running down that hallway.” We pick up our pace.
“Is there a door to the outside?” TJ’s breathing hard as we run.
“Not that I can see. There’s two offices back there and one looks like it could have a vault. I don’t see a camera in that office.” Joker tells TJ. He nods, not sure if he realizes he’s nodding to no one. I’m out in front and fire my gun at the guys who come in my view. Their bodies drop with a thud as blood comes from the bullet wounds in their skulls. I see Luca open the door.
“Luca, stop.” I yell. He turns around eyes widening as he rushes to shut the door, but TJ barrels into the door like he’s a linebacker going after the quarterback in the final seconds of the Superbowl. It was beautiful play. Luca stands behind the desk with a gun and the vault room.
“Where’s Michelle asshole?” TJ demands as his gun is pointed at Luca’s head. I stand beside TJ with my gun raised as Bubbles and Flanagan watch our backs in the hallway. Bubbles is letting everyone know we have Luca.
“Where’s Tommy?” I ask. Luca’s eyes go back and forth between TJ and me.
“You can only have one and you can’t kill me.” Luca’s tone drips with entitlement like he’s running things.
“Look around asshole, you’re not making it out of here alive. You have two options, tell us where they are and you can die quickly or let us torture you for the answers. I’m really good at torture.” I wink at him. “I’ve been dreaming about peeling your skin off like an onion since you paid Richie Jr. to blow up the body shop and almost killing my boyfriend. I’m going to start with your small dick.” I pull out my butterfly knife and show him while still pointing the gun at him. “I can’t wait to record your screams so I can use it as a ringtone. It’s going to be beautiful.”
“You’re a psycho.” Luca spats out. I see his hands shaking as he tries to look around for something. I just shrug. I’ve been called worse by lesser men than him. People think Tripline is the one who does all the torturing but once I started researching oldfashioned torture techniques I found I liked it. “I’m not giving up my father to you.”
“Your father and I have a score to settle. Maybe I’ll keep you alive to watch him die like he did for me fifteen years ago. I might even let you hold his hand as he takes his last breath or maybe I’ll kill you in front of him, so he can leave this earth knowing the pain of losing the one person who was everything to him.”
“I thought you wanted Michelle?” Luca tilts his head. “I’ll give you her but my father is off limits.” I shake my head.
“I want them both. I will get your father one way or another.” I pull the trigger on the gun and put a bullet in knee cap. He screams out in pain. “I’m tired of waiting. Give me what I want!” I yell.
“Joker, do you have eyes on Tommy or Michelle? It sounds like Luca either doesn’t know or isn’t going to tell us.” Bubbles’ voice comes through the comms. I hear a bunch of typing so I know she’s working on it. “I think TJ might just kill him for blowing up the shop.” I side eye TJ who is gripping the gun.
I sigh before walking around the desk. When I shot Luca; he fell onto the chair. “Now,” I place the gun on his other knee, “tell me where they are. Your men are out there dying. There’s no one coming to save you.”
“You didn’t think we didn’t know of your plans?” Luca laughs. “Michelle gave us a lot of information over the years but the plant in your club was even more helpful. We knew you were coming. Dad and Michelle aren’t here.” I laugh in his face.
“Do I look that stupid to you?” The gun releases another bullet into the knee.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
My head whips to Derby as I hear Luca taunt a plant. Derby nods her head. How long did they know about the plant? Derby presses her comm and comes to stand next to me doing something.
“I muted our comms.” Derby lets me know what she did so we can speak freely. “Joker found one of our prospects had ties to Richie Jr. She did a family tree and it was his niece. We fed her some bullshit plans. I’m not sure what Luca is talking about because River is currently in a watery grave.”
“Could there be another one?” I ask. “Because all of a sudden they seem to know what’s going on. They showed up at Richie’s apartment fast.”
“Do you have an idea of someone?” Derby looks through her scope at Smitty and Duchess. They seem to be fine.