Page 43 of Medusa's Revenge
“My Bella. It’s been so long since I’ve been this close to you. I’ve missed you.” He takes a step toward me. I raise my gun to have him stop moving. Tommy holds his hands up. He doesn’t look the same from fifteen years ago. His black hair is now allwhite. His once slender form is now heavy set. He now has wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.
“The feeling isn’t mutual.” I retort. The outside of me is calm but the inside of me is shaking. I honestly didn’t think I’d be here with him by myself.
“Your dad was a talker on his last night on Earth. Will you be like that too?” He seems bored with a gun pointed at him.
“Your son is on the other side bleeding out. Michelle has been kidnapped, and your men are all dead or will be before the night is over.” I refuse to play his game. “The DeMarco family will be no more once you’re dead.”
“Are you sure about that? Luka is not my only child.” He tsks at me as he turns his back on me and walks to the desk in the room. I take a look around the room to see it’s a bunker. It’s full of dry food, a refrigerator, freezer, a king-size bed with a desk, and computer.
“Are you talking about Mateo, Angela, and Armando?” Joker found the rest of his children. Tommy’s body jerks to a stop. He turns slowly to face me. “What? You didn’t think I’d leave anyone alive to come after me? Their mothers are gone as well.” Thanks to Smitty and his plant in the DeMarco family, we found his children and their mothers. They killed them all in their sleep. They all were being groomed behind the scenes as Luca was the face of the DeMarco Family. I smirk at him when his eyes widen. “Boy was Armando a talker though. He really thought if he ratted you out that we’d spare him.” I smile smugly at him.
“You’re lying.” Tommy’s voice raises in anger.
“Are you sure about that?” I rattle off the addresses of everyone and Tommy’s demeaner changes quickly. He went from stern to grief stricken in an instant. “You took everything from me, so fair is fair.” Tommy roars as he clears off his desk with a swipe of his arm.
“You’re not like me.” He fixes his white hair before pulling on the sleeves of his suit jacket like he’s trying to gather his composure. “You don’t kill kids.”
“Please. Your kids were in their twenties and thirties. You didn’t care how old I was when you took my father or even my mother. You didn’t care about the children on the block where you destroyed the lives of parents. All you cared about was Tommy DeMarco and lining your pockets with money.”
“Like you’re not doing the same thing.” He spat at me.
“I’m not killing anyone who doesn’t deserve it. My dad didn’t deserve it. He never stole from you, it was my mother, but you knew that. You just wanted him out of the way.” Tommy crosses his arms. “Now here is where you’re going to die.” Tommy’s deep baritone laugh echoes through the vault.
“Little girl, when are you going to realize, I don’t die. I conquer. I always survive.”
“Did you just compare yourself to a cockroach?” I tilt my head laughing at him. “I’m the exterminator. Your time has come.” He shakes his head. I fire my gun hitting his stomach. I practiced where to hit that were non-fatal with DaVinci. I want this man to suffer. The plans I made for Tommy will be a thing of beauty. He grunts as he places his hand on his stomach and pulls it away noticing the blood.
“You missed.” He sneers. I laugh. “My Bella, together we could take over so much. With my brains and your beauty, we’d be unstoppable.” I walk toward him keeping my gun pointed toward him. “Why can’t you just let the past go? So I killed your parents? All is fair in love and war.”
“What you did to my dad, can never be forgiven. You took everything from me. I lost my childhood, my dreams, and my future I planned. You almost took another part of my future from me when you bombed my brother’s auto body shop.” He waves his hand at me like he’s dismissing my words. “Now,you’re going to die. I will have my revenge for my father. I vowed it fifteen years ago and it will finally come true.”
“Silly little girl. If that happens, what will be waiting for you? It won’t be your girls because they’ll be dead. Did you not think I didn’t have fail safes in place for them?” He laughs. “And that boy of yours will be suffering at the hands of Luca. You may have shot him a couple of times, but it’s not going to stop him.”
“Old man, you doubt us. It’s going to be one of the last things you do to us. Because in the next ten minutes, you’ll be bleeding out by my hands.”
Tommy’s eyes widen as I switch hands from holding my gun to my knife. The knife slices from shoulder to the elbow, making his left arm completely immovable. He screams out. The blood sprays all over me and as his right hand knocks the gun from me, I’m distracted for a moment. He headbutts me, knocking me off center. My vision is blurry for a few seconds as I shake my head trying to shake the cobwebs out. As my vision comes back, Tommy is reaching behind his back and I don’t see the gun, but I feel it in my shoulder. I scream out in pain as the burning sensation takes over my thoughts. I’m not paying attention to my surroundings and Tommy took advantage of it. He took his right hand slapping me across the face. I stumble back but scream out in pain when I feel his thumb in my shoulder bullet wound. The pain is something I’ve never felt before, and I’ve been shot and stabbed since I started the motorcycle club. It took a lot to get to the top.
My breathing is ragged. My body is shaking. My body is on overdrive right now. I can’t concentrate on anything. My focus isn’t stable enough to figure out what to do right now. The vest I’m wearing is ripped off me. Tommy wraps his hands around my throat and he’s squeezing it. He leans me over to the bed. He throws me on it.
Is he going to rape me?
Chapter Forty-One
My heart is racing as I run through the parking lot after running down the twelve flights of stairs.
“Joker, you need to get in there.” TJ’s voice is frantic. “I heard gunshots and a scream.”
“Noah, look out. There’s someone behind the SUV. I have no line of sight.” I hear Derby telling me. “On your right.” I duck and see the man’s legs and shoot him in the calf. He falls to his knees and makes the mistake of showing his head in the front of the vehicle. I hit him between the eyes. “Nice shot.”
“Thanks.” I pant. “Tripline, I’m coming in. Don’t shoot.” I run through the door and the smell of copper tinges my nose. It looks like a massacre here. Prospects are standing around taking guns from the men on the ground and triaging any wounds on their fellow members. Tripline is laying her bombs around this room and the girls are going through things.
“That way.” Leslie points down the hallway. I head that way as I hear Luka’s laugh and TJ yelling. Bubbles and Flanagan coming back to the door.
“There were other rooms we were checking. Any word?” I shake my head no. They sigh. I walk into the room. TJ is pounding his fists into Luka’s laughing face.
“Bubbles, Flanagan,” I turn to them, “Tear this room apart. We might be able to find the code Joker needs.” I push the rifle to my back as I walk to stand next to TJ. I place my hand on my shoulder. “Back up for a minute.” I whisper into his ear. We walk over to the corner as we keep an eye on him.