Page 1 of Echo
Surveillance could be boring as fuck, but I’d take tedium over the bullshit coming out of this asshole’s mouth any day.
Jeff—the asshole in question—laughed, the sound grating on my ears.
“She’s got a fat ass, but that just means more to hold on to when I fuck it.”
Anger stirred in my chest, and I clenched my fists, talking myself out of storming over there and beating the shit out of him.
Apparently, Jeff had taken a liking to his neighbor. Every time he talked about her, his disgusting words and tone made me feel like I needed a shower.
I’d never seen her, but from what he said, it sounded like she was sweet and innocent. I hated to think what this motherfucker would do to her if given the opportunity.
Jeff was a con man. He swindled women out of every dime they had. Although, how the smarmy shit managed that, I had no clue.
One of his victims had come to the Hounds of Hellfire, the motorcycle club I belonged to. We were in the businessof helping people “disappear” for a fee, although we made exceptions from time to time, especially if the victim was running from an abusive spouse or assholes who were worse than Jeff.
In this case, Tina didn’t need to go on the run, but she’d come to us hoping we could recover her life savings and take down the scum who’d conned her.
Typically, we would have already dealt with him, but after listening to Tina’s account a few times and doing some research, it didn’t look like Jeff was calling the shots.
The president of my club, King, wanted to take down the whole operation, a decision we were all in agreement with.
Surveillance had been my specialty while serving in the Marines. I could pick up on things that others rarely heard, knew how to manipulate voices and noises to make them sound like anything we wanted to, and therefore, how to break them down to the original.
This was how I ended up in the apartment across the hall from Jeff’s, listening to all of his conversations for a hint of the next link in the chain.
After a few days of being forced to listen to his shit, I’d started to worry more about the neighbor—Violet Kimball, according to her lease.
So last night, I rigged up some equipment to allow me to listen to the hallway and her apartment as well. I didn’t put in cameras, tap her phone, or set up remote access to her electronics like I was working on for Jeff. But I wanted to make sure I would be alerted if he decided to pull any shit, and she needed rescuing.
Jeff hung up the phone—saving his life, for the moment—and from what I could hear afterward, it sounded as though he was getting ready to leave. Once he was gone, there was no reason for me to be listening to anything. A prospect was always on dutyoutside to give me a heads-up when the conman was coming and going.
However, I was curious…so I turned up the equipment I’d installed that covered the areas beyond Jeff’s apartment.
A low, sultry voice floated into my ears, and to my shock, my body stirred. I hadn’t felt any interest in a woman in years, physically or otherwise. A relationship wasn’t something I wanted, but I’d never been a hookup kind of guy. So the fact that I was responding to just a voice was bizarre.
My interest was piqued, so I turned up the volume dial and relaxed on the couch that I’d moved into the empty apartment so I would be comfortable during the hours of surveillance.
“Beau!”Violet cried out.“Oh, oh! Oh, yes! Beau! Beau!”
Bile rose in my throat, and a bitter taste saturated my mouth when I realized what I was hearing.
I was about to shut it off when her next words had me pausing.
Her voice shifted lower and took on a more masculine energy.“‘That’s it, sweet girl,’ I grunted. ‘Fuck. I can’t wait to feel this pussy wrapped around my cock. Oh, fuck, yeah. Fuck!’”
What the hell?
“I curled my finger inside her and bit her clit, sending her into the stratosphere. Even though my orgasm had begun to ebb, hearing her set off another. This one was harder, and I had to shoot to my feet and lean over the desk so I wouldn’t collapse on the floor.
My mouth found Isabella’s, and she moaned when my tongue slid along hers and she tasted herself. ‘See how amazing you taste?’ I mumbled.
I cupped her tits and used my thumbs to play with her nipples as I kissed down her neck. My cock hadn’t gone very soft, and it was nearly fully hard again. As soon as she was ready, I was going to?—”
My phone buzzing in my pocket jerked me out of the world Violet’s voice had pulled me into.