Page 56 of When We Dare
“Really?” I felt ridiculous, but that gave me a little sprout of hope inside.
“Really,” Madison said as she sat down.
“I probably shouldn’t be happy about that,” I added, feeling a little sheepish.
“Feel happy,” Maisie said. “He should feel like an idiot.”
I drew in a slow breath. As conversation moved along, I pondered my heart. I knew I loved Hudson. I didn’t know if it was going to work out, but it was important for me to actually communicate with him about it.
The following morning, I woke early. I was meeting my mom and Parks for coffee. I was adjusting to thinking of him as my dad, but calling him Parks suited us both.
As we were walking out after getting coffee, they were planning another visit to Willow Brook in the summer. I smiledbetween them. “It’ll be good to see you both again. I’m sorry Parker had to leave while you were visiting.”
Parks smiled widely. “It’s his job.” His pride about Parker was endearing.
When Parks slipped back inside to use the restroom, my mom tipped her head to the side. “Are you ready for your exam?”
“Hope so,” I said, not wanting to dwell and let my anxiety tie me up in knots.
She reached for both of my hands when we stopped beside my car. “How do you feel about your dad?”
I paused, taking stock inside. “I’m glad to meet him. I know I technically met him before, but I don’t remember. I’m glad he’s doing better. I’m also glad you two seem to be reconnecting. I know that’s something you’ve always wanted.”
My mom was quiet for a moment, her eyes shining with tears. She squeezed my hands hard before releasing them and pulling me into one of her fierce hugs. When she stepped back, she brushed her hands over my shoulders. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
Parks had returned and looked at me with his brow furrowed. “Are we ready for a hug?”
I studied him. His face was weathered and his eyes were warm. I saw the flicker of uncertainty there. I knew he’d scraped by most of his life. He’d gotten sober and was trying to keep his life together. I knew that was more than challenging for anyone.
Emotion tightened in my throat as I smiled. “Of course.”
He gave me a quick hug, his embrace firm. When we stepped apart, my heart felt squeezed tight. “I’m glad you both came to visit. Parker’s supposed to be back later today, you know?”
Parks nodded. “We have to catch our flight. He knows that. We’ll see him next time.”
I watched as they drove away before I climbed back in my car to go home. I planned to study this morning before I went to the office this afternoon.
When I got home, I decided to let the cats out on the porch. Hudson already had a habit of doing that with Butter because he liked to watch things. I got my laptop set up at the kitchen counter and was deep into reviewing an entire section of my exam prep when Butter began meowing. He was the more vocal of the two. I got up to let him in, but he wasn’t by the door. He was sitting on the railing looking down, and there was no sign of Biscuit.
When I looked beyond the railing, I could see her bounding bravely through the snow toward the edge of the lake.
“Biscuit!” I exclaimed.
She ignored me. Scrambling, I scooped Butter off the railing and carried him inside.
I raced into the entry area, stuffing my feet into my boots and flinging a jacket on before running outside to the back of the house. By the time I got to the backyard, Biscuit had walked out onto the ice and was peering into an ice fishing hole someone had used earlier in the winter.
I wasn’t thinking about the possibility that it was almost spring and the ice was getting thinner. My mind was solely focused on making sure Biscuit was safe.
I kept calling her name, which was pointless. Maybe some cats came when they were called, but Biscuit wasn’t one of those cats. I stepped out onto the edge of the ice.
Biscuit finally looked my way and began to walk toward me. I heard a sharp snapping sound under my feet before the ice broke open abruptly.
My mind blanked at the shock of the icy water and my breath ceased in my lungs.
Chapter Forty-Two