Page 22 of Cherry Auction
Which still feels wrong in all kinds of ways. I should be fighting or scheming for ways to figure out the keypad code. Yeah, I figured that one out when I watched him more closely as he went back up the elevator last time. No key. Keypad. If I follow his lead, can I get close enough to watch him when he pushes the numbers?
“That’s right, good girl,” he praises. “Here we are. Go potty and you’ll get a treat.”
My mouth drops open.Potty?Is he fucking serious?
I look up to where he’s brought me.
It’s not a toilet, at least not in the traditional way. But immediately I recognize it as the kind of toilet they sometimes have in Eastern Europe—just a porcelain hole in the floor. Meant for squatting. It’s another clue, at least. I must’ve traveled in Europe to know that.
But he’s still got me on a fucking leash and he’s taking me on a walk to go fuckingpotty.
At the same time, because I know how to use the hole from some memory I can’t directly access, I squat appropriately and lift my flimsy nightie. My underwear are still gone from wherever Domhnall tossed them earlier in the dungeon bedroom. I can’t say it’s inhumane because people all across the world use toilets like this, and the porcelain appears immaculately clean.
The part where Domhnall stands there and watches, however…
“Could you please turn your back?” I ask hotly, feeling my cheeks go red.
Domhnall just lifts one eyebrow, but he does do a half-turn so he’s faced away.
I relieve my bladder with a rush of relief. And there’s toilet paper attached to the wall, thank god.
After I’m finished, Domhnall squats downand rubs sanitizer on my hands with his. It feels oddly intimate, but then, what about this strange situation doesn’t? It’s wrong that the mixed-up feelings from earlier tonight are getting all scrambled with now trying to see the gorgeous man in front of me as dangerous. My body’s still attracted to him even when I know I should be trying to scratch his eyes out every chance I get. Not that it would help me get the elevator code.
Do I feel this sense of connection between us because he’s right and Idoactually know him? Or once,didI?
“That’s my good girl,” he whispers. “Now for your treat. Come, pet.”
“I’m thirsty.”
“How remiss of me not to show you your watering bowl. I thought you might’ve found it on your own by now. It’s underneath the foot of your bed.”
A watering bowl. Of course. I roll my eyes. I swear, if this man considers his dick a doggy treat, I don’t care what answers he might have about my identity—I’ll remind him just how sharp my incisors can be.
He leads me back into the dungeon room and reattaches my collar to the ceiling chain, then points out the watering bowl. Shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it, I reach out with my hands to scoop up some water and bring it to my lips.
But before I can drink any of the water, Domhnall jerks at my collar. Not hard, but enough to startle me so I spill all the water down the front of my chest.
“Hey!” I spin to look at him over my shoulder.
“Not like that.” His eyes are dark. “You know how you’re supposed to drink it, pet.”
Good god.Sofucking ridiculous. But I’m thirsty and the water looks clean. So I lean down and drop my chin into the water, gulping down some water like a fucking pet.
“That’s a very good girl,” Domhnall all but purrs low in his throat. “Are you ready for your treat?”
Oh I fucking bet. “It depends,” I say, again looking up at him over my shoulder, chin dripping. “What do you consider a treat?”
“Your pleasure, my pet. Up on the bed on all fours and I’ll bring you pleasure beyond your body’s comprehension. You know I can.” He lifts a dark eyebrow, but it’s not a smirk. It’s a promise.
Something deep and low in my belly clenches, knowing how well he can deliver on that promise.
But that was different. I didn’t know he was a— a— a woman-kidnappingmadmanback then. Fuck him, why does he have to be so attractive? And so good at what he did to me earlier?
“Red,” I spit out, knowing it won’t make a difference to him.
But to my shock, he nods, face blank as he steps back. “Safe words are still safe here, except I won’t let you go. And youwillbe trained. But I won’t touch your body without consent.”
He bends over and presses a whispering kiss right in theair at the top of my head. “Sleep well, little pet. And know that I’m only the monster you and your father made me.”