Page 19 of Death Deals
“What? No. Afraid of what?”
“Of planes.”
I faked a laugh. “Of course not. How stupid—”
His brows lifted in disbelief.
“Fine, yes. It’s heights mostly,” I confessed. “I didn’t know it extended to planes until this trip, but, apparently, it does.”
He tried to hold his laughter back but failed.
“It’s not funny,” I shot at him with a glare.
“An angel afraid of flying?” he said. “It is a bit funny.”
Okay. I guess it kind of was. I’d give him that.
But still. I was suffering here.
I groaned.
“I can give you something to help you sleep if you’d like. You can have the room, and I’ll wake you when we land,” he offered.
That sounded perfect.
Too perfect.
My gaze narrowed on him. I waited for him to go on.
“Well… I’d have to stay here, too,” he added. “To keep up appearances.”
What did he want Hector and the rest of them to think? That we were getting it on back here?
The more I stared at him, the more I realized that was exactly what he wanted.
A slow, sexy smile lifted his lips, and my heart skipped. This resisting-him thing would be so much easier if he wasn’t so damn good looking. It didn’t help that I’d seen what lay underneath his clothes, after stumbling across him sleeping naked in Red during my search for Kay. A package like that, a girl didn’t forget.
Instead of sleeping, I could let him get my mind off flying in a different way.
No. No. No. No.
Stop it, Jade. Christ.
I needed to get away from him. Being this close was making my head fog.
I was about to squeeze my way away from the wall, away from him, but suddenly, his mouth was on mine, his body pinning me up against the wall. Every muscle in my body tensed, confused and shocked at the same time. My palms pressed against his chest, ready to push him away, but when his tongue skimmed the line of my lips, they opened for him without hesitation.
He tasted like the wine he’d drank in the car, sweet and bitter at the same time, and my insides buzzed as if I’d drunken the entire bottle myself. The kiss was demanding, aggressive, unyielding, and before I knew it, I was kissing him back just as fiercely. Fire sparked in my veins, my skin scalding hot as his hand came up and seized me by the back of my neck. The urgency increased tenfold, and suddenly, opposing him all this time felt stupid. Like wasted time.
His erection pressed against my stomach, hard and ready, and I lost myself. All I could think about was him ripping off my clothes, wrapping my legs around his waist, and him using my back against the wall to fuck me senseless.
As our tongues wrestled, a moan shuddered through me. He was testing my strength, my will, and I was failing. Miserably.
In the back of my mind, my conscience screamed at me to get ahold of myself. This wasn’t me wanting this, doing this. Not really. Even if it was hot as hell.
Part of me wanted to tell the voice to put a sock in it; I was having fun, but the other part—whatever fragment that still managed to be sensible—was able to throw cold water over me and wake me up.