Page 68 of Death Deals
I was about to grab the gym’s door handle when my name hit my ears, making me pause.
Glancing back at the conference room, I waited, listening.
Another sharp snap of my name tangled in a Spanish accent.
I gritted my teeth. It was Hector.
Glancing at the punching bag through the glass, I debated my next move. Eavesdrop, or ignore it and imagine the bag was Hector’s face as I pummeled it? Hmm…
It wasn’t a hard decision, really. Why settle for less when I could have the real thing—sock the real guy in the mouth instead? Besides, he had it coming after attacking me in the elevator.
I approached the door. The last time I had done something like this, I’d found out Cole had been working under Azrael’s orders. It had changed everything for me.
Was that going to stop me? Absolutely not.
There was no need to press my ear against it or strain. The voices from inside were loud enough for any passerby to hear. The hotel wasn’t soundproof like Red was.
“You’ve been lying to us,” Hector shouted, fury whipping through every word. “Imani told us what she is. An angel! We’ve had a celestial being in our mist all this time, and you’ve kept her from us.”
“What she is isn’t important,” When Andre’s sultry French tone answered, my chest clenched. “It’s influenced nothing—”
There was a loud boom and objects rattled. Someone slamming a fist onto a table, maybe?
“It’s affectedeverything.” Hector spat. “You’ve been misleading us.”
Despite the anger coming from the Perez delegate, Andre sounded controlled, calm, but annoyed. “I don’t see how it matters. She’s my claim. My property. And I will not let her be offered up to anyone else.”
I tried not to let that word stick in me. Vampires did have their own customs and terms for things, as fucked up as it was.
“Ah, but is she really your claim?”
Andre must have been struck from it, too, because he didn’t respond.
“Another ruse,” Hector said. “DeMontes and their conniving, slippery ways. You live up to your family’s name, Andre.”
Low blow there.
Now Andre’s temper sparked in his voice. “Again, I don’t understand what she has to do with any of this. We got what we needed. Imani has agreed to discuss peace with the kings. We have insight into our lineage. Blackwell’s done more than expected of her. She’s helped us.”
“Yes, but she can help usmore,” Hector said. “An entity as powerful as an angel can make us untouchable. We can rebuild. We can conquer. And with her blood, our new order will be glorious.”
Worry churned in my gut.
“No.” Andre’s reply was curt. “I won’t let her be harvested. In any way.”
“Then you are betraying your kind,” Hector went on. “Once King Geoffrey hears you’ve been hiding an angel from him, he’ll have your head.” He paused. “Hiding and bedding, that is.”
This wasn’t looking good. It was exactly like Andre had predicted. Now that the vampires knew what I was, the families were coming together to capture me and use me as a weapon.
“I’m sure Imani will agree,” Hector continued. “We take the angel and then the three monarchs will meet to discuss the next step toward a magnificent future. One where vampires dominate again. And be advised, if you dare stand in the way, we will go through you.”
I waited for Andre’s rebuttal, but it never came. He was completely silent, and in that lack of response, I got my answer.
My fists clenched at my sides. He wasn’t going to stand against the entire vampire population to protect me. And why would he when I could be used to benefit their kind. Make them stronger and help recoup what they’d lost.