Page 86 of Death Deals
I scanned the streets and docks for her.
Arianna’s fireballs lit up the night, and I found the two of them backtracking as a group of a dozen Hell creatures closed in. As I stepped forward, a Halfling lunged and there was a whoosh of air, causing me to jump back. It happened too fast for my eyes to flow, but suddenly, the beast’s head slid off its body and it fell, dead, at my feet.
Andre stood there, his sword covered in black goo. He gave me a wink.
Not wasting any more time, I sprinted toward Kay and Arianna. The young witch’s right arm dangled useless at her side—dislocated—while the other worked double-time to form spells. When her fireball spell flared, it wasn’t nearly as powerful as it should’ve been, only slowing the encroaching Halflings down instead of stopping them completely. Kay clutched her weapon close to her chest, but since she wasn’t firing, my guess was that she’d run out of bullets. With every back step, they closed the gap between them and the dock’s edge.
Holding up my hand, I called to my light-power again, but like before, the white energy only flicked and snuffed out like a match in the wind.
Regardless, I attacked from behind, cutting down two Halflings instantly with my blade. Realizing who it was that was fighting them, the rest turned their sights on me instead.
That got rid of one problem, but now I had ten creatures coming at me at once.
Should have thought this one out better.
“Enough of this! Get her!” Monnie shouted to his children.
They boxed me in. Dread crawled along my skin.
As they drew nearer, all I could do was whirl my weapon blindly. Desperately.
When I glanced around, I found everyone locked in their own fierce battles. Eli was doing all he could to fight Monnie, but without an angel sword, his stabs and jabs were only infuriating the demon instead of causing real damage. Monnie swung his arm, catching Eli off guard and throwing him across the way. Even Andre was combating three monstrous creatures. The other vampires had their hands full, too.
I was on my own.
Hands grabbed for me.
Thebang, bang, bangof a gun firing shattered the havoc, and one by one the Halflings dropped, their skin bubbling as their insides boiled. Within seconds, all ten of them were dead at my feet.
Breathing hard, I spun to see Cole standing in the middle of the street, gun raised. He looked pale, sickly.
“I never miss a fight,” he gasped as if saying the words were an effort.
Part of me wanted to scold him for coming back, but man, was I glad to see him again. He’d saved my skin.
I ran over to him.
“You need to get away from here,” he said. “We need to find a safe place for you.”
I shook my head. “I’m not just going to leave them all—”
“They can fend for themselves. You’re the one Mammon wants.”
I got that, but still.
“You’re the one that matters,” he managed to get out between breaths. “You. No one else. You.”
He lifted his gun again and fired at more Halflings climbing out of the water. He nailed each of them.
“Monnie won’t stop. If I run, he’ll follow. I need to kill him. It’s the only way.”
His gaze searched my face, but lamenting, he nodded. “Let’s kill the bastard then. Any ideas?”
One. But it was barking mad.
“Can you get me close to him Halfling free?” I asked.