Page 44 of Dark Obsession
We reach the far side of the floor, the service stairs just ahead. As we round the corner, two cartel members burst through the main stairwell door.
I don’t hesitate. I raise my pistol and squeeze the trigger twice. Both shots are clean, both men drop instantly.
I hurry over to one of the men, grabbing the submachine gun from his body and doing a quick check to make sure that it’s loaded. Good. I turn to Elena and hand her my gun, trading it for the smaller ankle pistol, which I tuck back into its holster.
The stairwell is narrow and dimly lit, but it gives us a good view all the way down to the first floor. I glance over the railing, scanning the steps below. So far, the coast looks clear, but I know better than to let my guard down.
We descend quickly, my eyes darting between the stairs and the doors. When we reach the first floor, I stop, listening for movement on the other side.
I crack the door open just enough to get a view, and what I see makes my gut twist.
A dozen cartel members fill the lobby, all heavily armed. And there, standing right in the middle of them, is Claudio Sanchez.
I shut the door quietly, turning back to Elena. “We’ve got a problem.”
“What now?” she whispers, her grip tightening on the pistol.
“Sanchez. He’s here, and he brought a small army with him.”
We need another plan—fast.
She looks alarmed for the first time, and I know I need to keep her calm.
“We’re going to get out of here,” I tell her, keeping my voice steady and controlled.
She nods, swallowing, regaining her composure.
"Ready," she says, her voice stronger.
I turn to the door. The machine gun in my hands will help, but charging out there guns blazing is a fast way to get us both killed. On the other side of the door I hear gunfire and look to see that the Ivanov men have joined the fray.
A grin pulls at my lips. "Your brothers are putting up a fight."
Elena smirks; the fire is back in her eyes.
I motion for her to follow as I slip through the door, keeping low. We move quickly down the hallway, ducking into a side room for cover. Through the thin door, I can hear Claudio barking orders in Spanish, his voice sharp with frustration.
Their target is Luk.
It hits me then—this isn’t just about me. They’re trying to cut the head off the Ivanov Bratva.
Fortunately, the room we ducked into has a computer setup. Elena immediately goes to work, her fingers flying over the keyboard. I stand guard, scanning the room, but my eyes flick tothe screen when she pulls up the security feed.
There’s Claudio, storming off with a few of his men as he tells the others to stay behind and guard the room. Elena looks up at me, her face tight with tension. “What’s happening?” she asks.
“They’re staying put, making sure no one gets through. Looks like we’re not getting out of here without a fight.”
I glance over at the observation window that looks out onto the main room. Cartel members are spread out, guarding every exit. Wonderful.
An idea hits me. “You know what covering fire is?”
She raises an eyebrow, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “No, I missed that lesson in my computer science classes.”
“Fair enough. Here’s the plan. You’re going to fire through that hole in the glass,” I point at a cracked part of the window, “just enough to keep them ducking. I’ll handle the rest.”
She nods, her grip tightening on the pistol I gave her. She might be terrified, but she’s no damsel. That’s why I need her by my side.
“Get in position,” I say quietly, leaning in close. “Wait for my signal.”