Page 10 of Stalking the Bride
“No! It’s okay.” Belle smiles, backing up toward the bathroom. “You stay right there and relax. You did all the work. I’ll be back in one second.”
I smile, smitten by her beauty that warms me to my core as she vanishes behind the door to the bathroom. I close my eyes and expel a deep breath, dropping my head onto the throw pillow Belle was holding while I licked her pure little pussy andwatched her squirm. It smells like her. The mere scent begins to hypnotize me with satisfaction.
That is until I hear a sound from the bathroom.
A window sliding open and the clatter of the street spilling in from outside. Instantly, I’m on my feet, striding over to the door.
“Belle?” I call out, knocking just loudly enough not to scare her. No response. “Belle, are you in there?”
I test the handle. It’s locked.
My heart leaps as I realize what’s happened. Adrenaline surges, and my primal nature takes over. I back up, brace myself, and drive my heel into the latch, nearly knocking the door off its hinges as it bursts inward.
The bathroom is empty.
I race to the window and look out.
There she is. Belle, the girl I’m supposed to protect, scaling the fire escape down to the street, wearing nothing but a bathrobe.
“Belle!” I shout, snatching my clothes and sliding into them as I race out the door after her.
I dropfrom the fire escape onto the sidewalk, pushing my robe down as it threatens to fly up and expose my nakedness to everyone walking around in the cool evening air. Then I start to run.
My face is flushed and my body is overheating from the most incredible experience of my life, but a chill wave of guilt and regret is swiftly taking over as I slowly regain my senses and realize what I’ve just done.
“Jesus, Belle!” I snap at myself as grit and stones stab into the skin of my bare feet. “You’re engaged!”
So what if it’s an arranged marriage? So what if I’m basically being forced into it? Does that mean I can break a promise I made simply because I let myself be overwhelmed by a moment of immense, glorious passion that is still singing in my head like a choir of angels?
You cheated!
“No, I didn’t!” I snap back at myself, drawing odd looks from a group of guys chatting by their car.
I never wanted to marry Fitch in the first place. My parents are forcing me to. Technically, I may have said yes to him, but it wasn’t a yes that came from my heart. It was a yes that camefrom pure self-preservation. To keep me from being tossed out onto the streets by my father.
Fitch thinks I want to marry him. And so does Conrad.
That’s why he volunteered to teach me. So I’d have experience for my husband. Not because he’s actually interested in me. He turned down Cynthia, and she’s way prettier than I am. Why would he want a no-nothing virgin like me when he has tons of girls fawning all over him? My lack of experience must have had him rolling his eyes. I didn’t have a clue what to do when he had me on the couch back there. I wasn’t even thinking about what was happening. I was simply lost in the moment–the wondrous, magnificent moment that seemed to bend space and time around us so the rest of the world was gone and only we remained.
It’s not really cheating if you’re not in arealrelationship, is it?
“Belle! Stop running, Belle! This isn’t safe!”
Conrad’s voice from behind me snaps me back to reality, and I look back to see him sprinting after me. He’s gaining on me at such speed that I know I can’t compete with, so I slow and stop beneath a tree, so embarrassed I wish I could just wink out of existence.
“I’m sorry…” I say as he reaches me.
“Don’t apologize, Belle. Just tell me why you were running. Did I upset you somehow?”
“Of course not!” I groan, leaning my head against the tree trunk. Great, now I’ve upset him. Made him think he’s done something he shouldn’t have. Why couldn’t I have just been a good girl and never let him touch me? Or never have run off after our incredible moment? Now I’m blushing and look like a fool in front of this magnificent man. “I think I’m just…overwhelmed. And I’m also engaged to Fitch…”
Maybe I’m imagining things, but I could swear I see Conrad’s eyes narrow and his lips purse when he hears Fitch’s name. But I could also be imagining things. After all, my head is still spinning from the blissful moment we both just shared.
Conrad stares at me. His chest rises and falls with a deep breath. “We should get back. It’s not safe here for you.”