Page 14 of The Sweet Spot
“Sounds like you know a lot.” From the corner of my eye, I see those full lips of his curve into a sly smile. “What else?”
We’re so close to each other that if I look straight at him, our faces would be only inches apart. “Why don’t you tell me? Are you the Nice Guy or the Heartbreaker?”
“Maybe I’m a little of both.”
* * *
I lean back into the cradle of Luca’s legs, enveloped by his warmth and scent. Every time he says something, his whisper tickles my ears…and I love it.
When the boys got back from their beer run earlier, the crowd had thickened around us, leaving barely any room. It had made sense for Luca to sit behind me, gathering me between his legs, leaning his chin on my shoulder. At least, that’s what I tell myself. I’m sure it’s what he told himself, too, although he seems totally casual about all of this.
Then again, boys like Luca live in the realm of the upper hand. He knowsI’m attracted to him.
Meanwhile, I can’t tell if Saira is into Kellan, but it’s obvious that he’s into her. I don’t blame him. My best friend is tall and slender and gorgeous, her skin the color of a new penny, her huge, dark eyes and long eyelashes and sassy attitude a turn on for a lot of the guys we meet.
Needless to say, it’s a little hard to concentrate on the movie now that we have our own lost boys to contend with. Flirty and funny and generous with beer, they rib each other and sometimes us. Kellan knows nearly all the lines of the whole movie, and he keeps reciting them right on cue.
“One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires,” he croaks, earning a giggle from two girls sitting a towel over.
“You want another beer?” Luca asks, the warmth of his breath and vibration of his voice sending signals deep into my core. If he can do that with just a question, what could he do if we got physical?
Tickled, I cringe away, but he just blows on my ear again. Swallowing a giggle, I glance over my shoulder. “Are you having one?”
The movie screen’s reflection dances against his dark eyes, making them sparkle. “Yep.”
“Sure, then.”
“Matty,” he whispers loudly, punching his friend’s arm.
“What’s your deal?” Matt whispers back, not taking his eyes off the screen as he rubs his arm.
“We need two more beers, stat.”
“Get ‘em yourself, Doc,” Matt says, but he rummages around, pulling two more cans from a box beneath a towel.
I accept mine, tapping it gently against Matt’s. “Thanks.”
“Anytime, Sweet Spot.” He glances at me, winking. “Anytime you’re ready to move on from this loser, let me know.”
“Thanks, Matty,” Luca says loudly.
“Shhh!” several people around us hush, as if it’s not already ridiculously loud down here.
“Oh, like you can hear anyway,” I snark, emboldened by the beer.
“Ridiculous, right?” Saira huffs, scrunching up her face. “Like they haven’t already seen this movie a million times!”
Luca’s quiet laughter rumbles through his chest, transferring to me.
And then I know: No matter what happens this summer, I’ll always remember how good tonight felt.
We goof off for a while after the movie finishes, waiting for the crowd to thin out a little before heading back up to the boardwalk. Luca helps me shake out my blanket, even folding it for me so I can tuck it into my backpack.
“That was fun,” Saira whispers, tangling her fingers briefly with mine. Her eyes are bright and happy, her light brown cheeks flushed rose gold.
I run a hand self-consciously over my hair, wondering if it looks as wild as it feels. “Kellan’s cute. I think he likes you.”
She peeks at him, then looks back at me, smirking. “Maybe.”