Page 22 of The Sweet Spot
“Yeah, I know.” Saira turns back to her food, scooping a chunk of curry up with her roti. “Don’t worry. We’ll see them around campus.”
“Maybe you will.” I frown, shaking my head. “Not me, though, not for a while; Luca’s studying in Brazil this fall.”
“Aww, really?” She wrinkles her nose. “Well, at least you have the summer.”
“I think he’s going to Brazil at some point, if he’s not working in the Bay,” I say. “Either way, he won’t be around here for a while.”
“Well, he obviously likes you, babe. Maybe you two can pick up where you left off whenever he does make it back.”
As good as that sounds, there’s a sinking feeling deep inside that has me thinking things might not be so easy. If Luca’s based in the Bay Area this summer, he has no real reason to come back down.
No reason besides me, anyway, and I don’t know if that’s enough.
* * *
Two days later, I’m back at the Sweet Spot, much to Rodrigo’s relief.
It’s a drizzly, gray Monday morning and not much is going on. Sighing, I lean on the counter, eyes glazing over as I watch the wooden planks of the boardwalk darken with moisture.
I had a great weekend with Saira and my family, but now that it’s over and I’m back on the grind, it’s hard for me to think about anything other than Luca. I thought about him over the weekend too, obviously, even though I tried like hell not to. I wanted to be present with my family, not a distracted, lovelorn idiot obsessing over a pretty boy.
It wasn’t easy.
I keep wondering if he’s thinking about me, if I made enough of an impression. Grabbing my phone, I scroll to my photos and open the one I took of our photo strip. The original is safely enshrined in a spot by my desk at home—this is just for convenience.
We had such a perfect night up until the moment those nasty guys started shit. I keep seeing Luca’s face, hearing his voice. The way he teased me with his playful words and flirty gaze. His touch. I’ve had boyfriends, but guys like Luca feel next level. Even with the photographic evidence, it’s hard to believe it happened at all.
There’s a photobooth a little way down the boardwalk, and while it’s not the one that Luca and I went into, it’s a steady visual of the heated moments we shared inside. I’d never been kissed like that before. I’m no virgin, but the way he took my mouth? I felt iteverywhere. I still do.
I’m still kicking myself for not getting his phone number. Saira didn’t get Kellan’s either—unlike me, though, she’s okay with that.
“Kellan was cute and all,” she’d said with a nonchalant shrug. “But it’s not like there aren’t a hundred guys just like him.”
Casting a furtive glance around to make sure the zone is Rodrigo-free, I shoot her a text.
Wren: I really wish Luca would pop up again :(
She answers back so fast I just know she’s sitting on her phone. She started working at her dad’s office today, and the texts have been coming in fast and furious.
Saira: Aww. I know u do. Have u looked for him on the socials?
Wren: I looked, but I couldn’t find him. Idk his last name.
Saira: Whaatttt?
Wren: It never came up! What’s Kellan’s last name?
Saira: Idk, but I didn’t spend half the night sucking his face.
A cute mom with three tiny, exuberant children veers over. Internally rolling my eyes at Saira’s comment, I return my phone to my back pocket. She’s right, obviously, but still.
Once I’ve given the little angels their sprinkle-covered ice creams, I return to Saira.
Wren: I told him to look for me if/when he comes back down.
Saira: fingers crossed
Dear Arlo