Page 59 of The Sweet Spot
Slipping a blue and gold hoodie over my head, I pocket my keys and head out to the pool. It’s a chilly February morning, making me want to stay in and be lazy, but I know I’ll feel better getting in an hour of laps before class.
It’s been about two months since things ended with Brooke. Two months since Logan moved out. Rent was tight for a minute without a fourth roommate, but we figured shit out fast. All it took was spreading the word around our circle of friends and we had offers within days.
Faruq’s been with us since. He’s Nigerian and spends most of his time studying—when he’s not bickering with Matty over soccer. Most of his immediate family is in Alameda, so I bring him with me to the Bay a lot.
Jumping in my car, I head over to East Field House Pool. Swimming’s been essential for me lately. I swam competitively in high school, and I always loved how it cleared my head. Some days, when Kellan, Matt and I have the afternoon free, we go hiking around Big Basin. Sometimes we smoke. Weed’s a nice respite, but I’ll never be as into it as the guys.
Life feels both simpler and more complicated.
My phone rings as I pull into the parking lot at the pool. Grabbing my backpack from the passenger seat, I root around until I find it at the very bottom. It’s my mother. She’s been on me a lot lately, but only because she’s worried.
Mãe: Good morning, meu querido! Have you been checking your Instagram?
Chuckling, I shake my head. Since she discovered Instagram, I get texts like this all the time from her.
Luca: No.
Mãe: Well check it! I posted a picture of my manzanitas this morning. They’re covering the hill out back and they’re GLORIOUS.
Luca: I’ll check it, promise.
Mãe: OK. You have plans tonight?
Luca: Not sure. Why?
Mãe: Dom is making picanha tonight. You want to bring your friends? Free beer!
Kellan and Matt, that is. Logan’s high on her shitlist these days.
Luca: haha, you’re shameless. We’ll be by around 7.Want us to bring anything?
Mãe: No, silly, just yourselves. Love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Luca: Love you, too.
I pause, half in and half out of the car. I’m almost never on Instagram lately, but I should probably look at Mãe’s picture because she’ll harass me until I do. Opening the app, I navigate to her page and dutifully ‘like’ her latest pictures. They’re mostly of her garden, Dom and my little brother, and the sunsets they see from their house in Walnut Creek. The aforementioned picture of today’s pale pink manzanitas gets an extra heart. With the morning sun beaming gently over the blooms, it really is stunning.
I’m about to get going when I notice my other notifications.
wren<3angel likes your photo
A smile spreads over my face. I guess she found me. I’d wondered when our paths would cross again, had wondered what was up with her and Dallas. I glance at the picture she liked, me surfing two summers ago. She had to do a pretty deep dive to find that one. The thought of Wren, scrolling through my pictures, does something funny to my chest.
Her account is public, allowing me to get a feel for the last few months of her life. The beach. The hiking trails up behind UCSC. Her mom, her friends…there are a couple of Dallas, older photos. Nothing suggesting they’re together.
I get stuck on a photo she took on New Year’s Eve, drinking in the sight of her in those heels, that dress. Her long, wavy hair, her glossy pout…damn. I follow her account.
Then I slide into her DMs.
LucaCardoso: Hey, you ;)
I’m in my Writing and Research Methods class, scribbling notes, when my screen lights up with a notification. Pausing my notes, I allow my eyes to drift down to the phone in my lap. It’s from Instagram:
LucaCardoso followed you