Page 62 of The Sweet Spot
It took us so long to get to this point that sometimes I’m still half-afraid it isn’t real. But it is.
Luca: So what’s up with you and Dallas?
Wren: Idk. Haven’t talked much since NYE.
Which is true, and kind of a bummer because Dallas and I were close for a while. I think his pride was wounded more than he wanted to admit. I don’t know.
Anyway, let’s see if Luca puts two and two together. A kid skateboards past alarmingly close, almost wiping out when he tries to squeeze between two groups of people.
My phone chimes again.
Luca: Why’d it take you so long to find me, then?
I sense he’s teasing, but I’m not sure. It’s hard to tell with text. Still, I decide to be completely vulnerable.
Wren: Dallas told me you’d just broken up with your girlfriend. I wasn’t sure if you were still hurting from that.
I take a deep, fortifying breath.
Wren: I didn’t want to be a rebound.
The three dots appear, disappear, appear, disappear. Right when my anxiety starts to ratchet up, he responds.
Luca: I get it. We can talk about it later. Too much to type.
I bite my lip. Does he mean that, or did I poke at a sore spot?
“You can bring her back here after dinner, you know,” says Kellan. He’s standing in my doorway, eating popcorn as he watches me make my bed. “I feel bad kicking you out.”
“You’re not kicking me out. I just want a quiet spot to chill with Wren.” I shrug. “You need the space for your project, anyway.”
“He means he wantsan alonespot to chill with Wren,” Matt yells from the living room.
“My parents are still in Maui…I could give you the keys to the house,” Kellan presses. “They wouldn’t mind. And don’t worry about Dallas kicking your ass…I doubt he’ll even be around.” He chuckles, then proceeds to choke on a piece of popcorn.
“That’s what you get for talking shit.” Snorting, I yank my sheets into submission. “Instant karma.”
Kellan seizes a bottle of water—my bottle—from the dresser and drinkshalf of it, finally getting it together. “Seriously though, he and his boys have been spending a lot of time at the marina.”
“Oh, yeah?” Our eyes meet in the mirror. “What’s at the marina?”
“There’s a big sailing club down there—I think our high school used to compete with one of theirs way back. He’s been working a lot…and there might be a girl.” Kellan shrugs, tossing up a kernel and catching it with his mouth. You’d think he’d have learned his lesson, but no. “Told you things were super casual between him and Wren.”
I stop fiddling with my bed, straightening up. “Okay?”
“I’m just saying I would’ve said something if I thought you going after her was fucked up.”
I nod, folding my arms. “I stayed away from her until things ended with your brother for a reason. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. Good man.”
“Even though, technically, I saw her first.”
He laughs then, backing out of the room. “Did more than just see her, bro.”
Meanwhile, the flurry of texts between Wren and me tapered off once tonight’s plans got nailed down. She’s probably nervous; I know I am. Which is funny, because I can’t remember the last time a girl made me nervous. Maybe a little bit with Brooke, when we first met for coffee, but it’s different with Wren. I feel like we’re getting another chance and I don’t want anything to mess it up.