Page 86 of The Sweet Spot
“Good vibes, I guess.” Squeezing my hand, he adds, “And he’s rarely wrong.”
Up ahead, the pool glows invitingly. Steam rises faintly from the rippling turquoise water, where Saira and Kellan send up matching glassy-eyed grins as we approach.
“Was wondering when you two would grace us with your presence,” says Kellan, blowing a fat stream of smoke in our direction. “Presences?”
Saira grins, scratching her fingers through his wet hair as he closes his eyes and snuggles against her like a puppy.
Luca stops to talk to someone, but I ease in beside Saira, raising myeyebrows. “Looks like you two are getting alongswimmingly.”
“Looks like,” Saira drawls, biting her lip. “How was dinner?”
“Good, good. Mom behaved this time—”
“Thank God for small favors.”
“And Luca and Arlo hit it off. It was kinda cute.”
“Parents love Luca,” Kellan says. He pauses, peeking back at me. “Not that there have been, like, a lot of parents.”
Saira snorts, turning his head back around.
But I don’t care what Luca did before. It’s what he does now that matters, and right now he’s right beside me, his arm warm and solid as it snakes around my waist.
* * *
Matt’s voice rises triumphantly above the din. “Oh no, you’re not!”
Someone squeals as Luca’s eyes widen. Gripping my arms, he tucks me into his chest and turns us around seconds before a giant wall of water comes splashing at us with the force of a tsunami.
Giggling, I peek over his shoulder to see what all the commotion’s about. Matt and the tiny blonde he’s been chatting up all evening are bobbing in the middle of the pool, sputtering and laughing.
“I take it he pulled her in,” I say as Luca lets go of me.
“You’d be correct.” He wipes a hand over his sleek, wet hair. “Matt still flirts like we did in the seventh grade.”
“I think it’s kinda cute,” I admit, watching in amusement as Matt attempts to dunk his date. Okay, maybe notthatcute.
Luca laughs. “Don’t let him hear you say that; he’ll think he has a chance.”
“How do you know he doesn’t?” I stick out my tongue.
A devilish grin steals across his lips. Keeping his eyes on mine, he cups his hands around his mouth and stands up straight in the water. “Hey, Ma—”
Pressing down on his head, I attempt to do a little dunking of my own. I manage to get about half of him under water before he wraps his arms around my middle and dunks me first. I emerge laughing, shoving him.
“I take it back. Maybe you and Matt are perfect for each other,” he teases, pulling me closer.
“Haha.” I rest my hands on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his hands spanning my waist.
“At least you’re smiling.”
“That tends to happen a lot around you.”
His eyes crinkle, and then he smiles too. “Does it?”
I nod, my heartbeat picking up a little.
“Hope that doesn’t change,” he says, giving my waist a squeeze.