Page 98 of The Sweet Spot
For the first time since we’ve met, Arlo seems embarrassed. His cheeks flush, and a line forms between his eyebrows. “I was in college. Broke. I wasn’t one of those kids who was able to graduate in four years, you know? It took me a while. I always had work study jobs along with my off-campus jobs, and sometimes that wasn’t even enough.” He clears his throat. “One month I couldn’t quite make rent. I was living with a couple of buddies, and I just…couldn’t do it. Someone suggested a place, a sperm bank in the city, so I went.”
We’re quiet for a long time. Down the shore, a man with a little kid and a dog runs around, throwing a frisbee.
“Did you ever think you’d have kids?” I ask. “Did you want any?”
“I never really thought about it. I’ve never been against it; my life just never went that way. When I did finally graduate and start working, I hustled so I’d never have to be broke again. My parents did their best while I was growing up, but things were lean. I was tired of that.” He looks at me before glancing away again, and suddenly he seems so much younger. He really isn’t that old; neither of my parents are. “But it’s been a long time since I had to worry about money. I do what I do because I love it. I’m grateful it affords me the life I want. And that I can be here, with you.”
“But you didn’t even know I existed until—”
“Sometimes you don’t realize what’s missing until it shows up.” He frowns, shaking his head. “I can’t go back now, Wren. I don’t want to.”
“I think I know what you mean.”
“Do you?” He stares intently at me.
“I never felt incomplete or anything, growing up. Curious, maybe, but I wasfine,” I say, tucking my hair behind my ears. “But now…” I shrug, staring down at the blanket so he doesn’t see my eyes welling up.
He scoots closer, taking my hand. “Maybe we were both wondering. We just didn’t know it.”
I nod, laughing a little.
“Come on.” He ruffles my hair. “Let me get a couple of pictures of you while we’re out here.”
* * *
“You spent the night at his hotel, didn’t you?” I ask, shouldering my phone as I scrub the shower stall that I share with Saira. We both hate the task, but it’s my turn.
“No. Not that it’s any of your business,” Mom snips. She’s at the studio, holed up in her office.
“I’m surprised you didn’t offer to drive him to the airport.”
“Is there something you’d like to say, Wren? Because Arlo told me the two of you talked it out plenty yesterday.”
I snort, making a face at myself in the mirror. “Are you seriously giving me an attitude when you were the one treating him like a leper until last week? Excuse me for being confused!”
“I did not treat him like a leper!”
“Well, whatever. I’m glad you two hit it off so warmly. It’ll make things way easier when he comes back.”
We’re silent for a beat. I move on to the counter, sweeping aside Saira’s mind-boggling array of hair products.
Mom sighs. “I’m sorry.”
I know her, so I’m not surprised she’s apologizing. She only gets prickly with me when she feels guilty in the first place. “For what?”
“Arlo coming to Santa Cruz is all about you, not me. The last thing I ever wanted was to get in the way of that.”
“You didn’t get in the way of anything, Mom. We’ve hung out plenty, and we’re going to keep on figuring out ways to get to know each other. I wanted you and him to get along! You’re my parents, for God’s sake.”
She doesn’t say anything, but I know she hears me.
“Be honest,” I say. “Do youlike him,like him?”
“We have good chemistry. Really good. It caught me off guard,” she admits. “I would not have slept with him if I didn’t like him, little bird.”
“Thanks for the visual.” I shudder, wishing I could bleach my brain as thoroughly as I just did the toilet.
She cackles at that.