Page 53 of Lucky Strike
The dogs rise, following him into the hallway. I climb back into bed and stare up at the skylight, watching the shifting clouds brighten, gilded by the morning sun. There’s no turning back now. All I can do is pray that my conscience guides me if things get too dark.
For the next few days,Conlan is gone before we wake up and home long after we’re asleep, which sucks for Liam. To make matters worse, my cold lingers, leaving me fatigued and out of it. We watch TV and hang out on the patio in lieu of Grand Adventures and walking the dogs, but I can tell it’s wearing on Liam. There are only so many episodes ofDino-warshe can watch.
Of course, it’s the morning I’m finally feeling better and planning a trip to the aquarium when he has a tantrum at breakfast. “I hate blueberries!” he cries, shoving away the bowl Nola just placed in front of him. He’s been testy since he woke up, but his outburst still catches me off guard. “I hate fruit! I want French toast!”
“Liam.” I touch his hand, but he yanks it away, dangerously close to tears.
“We can have French toast tomorrow,” Nola says soothingly, wiping down the counters. “Your dad?—”
“I want it today!”
“We’re having waffles today,” I say firmly, tapping his plate. “You don’t have to have the fruit if you don’t want it, but you can say that nicely.”
He scowls. “I hate waffles, too!”
“Okay.” Ipush away from the table and extend my hand toward him. “Let’s go.”
“No!” Tears well up in his eyes. “I’m hungry, Bria!”
“I know you are. Why don’t you try a bite of these waffles? We can put strawberries?—”
“I don’t want it,” he mutters, shaking his head.
“Well, that’s what we’re having.” I ruffle his hair. “Can you say sorry to Nola, please? You aren’t being very nice.”
Nola and I share a look as Liam begins to cry in earnest. Sighing, I scoop him into my arms and carry him into the living room, where we plop down on the couch. Liam scampers away from me and throws himself facedown, sobbing dramatically into the cushions. “Why are you being mean to me?”
“I’m not being mean, Liam,” I say. “Nola made us a delicious breakfast, and you’re treating it like garbage.” The dogs wander over, sniffing and licking him, but he bats his hands and kicks his legs, his meltdown in full swing. “I know you’re tired of being cooped up in the house, buddy. We’ll do something fun today, okay?”
The crying dies down a little, but he ignores me.
“I’ll be right back,” I say, standing. “Stay here, okay?”
In the kitchen, I throw back a handful of blueberries and gulp down the last of my coffee. “I gotta get this kid outside today. He is not made for the indoors.”
“Yes, that might help,” Nola murmurs, drying her hands by the sink. “Maybe a small walk with the dogs.”
“I’ve never seen him like that,” I muse. “I’m sorry he was being so rude.”
“Ah, well.” She pauses. “He’s a perceptive child. Young, but he senses things.”
I look up at her.
“He hasn’t been sleeping well.”
Frowning, I shake my head. “How do you know?”
“Con mentioned it this morning, on his way out. Said he woke up several times last night to find the little one in his bed,” she says. “He probably misses his daddy—they haven’t been spending very much time together lately.”
I rub my forehead, frustrated that I missed something so obvious. Iknew his dad’s absence affected him; I just didn’t realize how deeply. “You’re right. His whole routine has been thrown off. Bath time and story time, all the stuff they usually do together.” There’s not much I can do about Conlan and hisbusiness,but I can make sure Liam’s got a life of his own, things to occupy his time and energy. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Oh.” She smiles, waving me off. “Don’t mention it. Children are resilient, aren’t they? He’ll be fine.”
By the time I get back to Liam, he's rolled onto his side, his hand dangling from the couch as he messes with Shelby and Bacon. “Hey.” I sit beside him, rubbing his back. “Just wanted you to know I like you, even if I don’t always like how you act.”
He nods, running his finger over Bacon’s nose.
“I’m glad you’re my friend,” I add. “Anyway, we haven't been to jiu jitsu in a couple of days. You wanna go?”