Page 63 of Lucky Strike
“Everybody has secrets.”
She hums in agreement.
I reach out, finding her hand. “I’m sorry I’ve been unpredictable and confusing.”
“You’re forgiven.” She squeezes my hand before trying to let go, but I hold fast. “Conlan.”
“What? Holding your hand is pretty mild compared to what I used to do to you.”
“Don’t be a pig.” She rips her hand away with a huff. “I’m your child’s nanny, remember? You’re myboss.”
“I think it’s safe to say our relationship predates its current iteration.”
Bria tilts her head back, looking up at the sky. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask,” I say. “I might not answer.”
“Are you back to your old self now because I know your secrets?”
My heart thuds. She’s perceptive. “Maybe. Am I back to my old self?”
“You’re smiling more. Less…guarded.”
"I guess I didn't realize the weight of keeping secrets from you until you overheard me with Tristan,” I say. “And it was out of my hands.”
“You could have just told me from the beginning. Given me a chance.”
I chuckle darkly. “To what, put yourself in a shady situation?”
“How is this any different? I’m still in a shady situation.”
“Yeah, but it’s your decision now. You’re choosing to stay.”
“Because of Liam.”
I take a sip of iced tea. “Well, whatever your reasons are, I appreciate it.”
She eyes my glass. “What are you drinking?”
“Peppermint iced tea,” I say. “It’s pretty good, I must admit.”
“Because I made it the old-fashioned way.”
“How’s that?”
“You know—letting it steep on the deck all day, under the sun.”
“Never heard of that.”
“When I was a kid, my mom would set three or four pitchers out on the fire escape. Taya always wanted fruity teas, like hibiscus or apple, but I liked peppermint and spearmint. They were more refreshing when it was hot.”
I watch Bria as she reminisces, her peaceful smile tugging at my heart. She’s a lot more self-assured than she was when we were younger,less likely to put up with my crap or anyone else’s. I wish I could just pull her onto my lap and kiss her until she can’t breathe, but I respect her too much to try. I’ll know when the time is right.
And if it never is, I’ll deal with it. She’s here for my son, not for me. I won’t jeopardize that because I’m feeling horny or sentimental or an unfortunate combo of the two.