Page 91 of Lucky Strike
“You needed happiness,” I muse. “Togetherness.”
“We did. It’s all about family,” he says. “The people you love. If we don’t have that, we don’t have anything.”
“I’ve always appreciated that about your family. You guys really love each other, fight for each other.”
He shrugs. “If we don’t fight for each other, no one else will.”
“That’s just it, though,” I cry. “Look at all the people here! They’d fight for you.”
“Because they’re family, too.” Taking my hand, Lucky pulls me away from the desk. “Just like you.”
I give him a small smile. “Oh, yeah?”
“You’ve always been a part of this family, Bria. You know that.” He pulls me close, settling his hands on my waist. “Has nothing to do with blood. You’re ours.”
I want to ask him if he’s mine, too, but I don’t. I slide my hands up onto his shoulders as Billie Holiday croons sultrily from hidden speakers, asking her lover to
say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me…
We dance a slow dance as I submit to the way my heart beats for him. It’s always been him. Watching him ham it up with his parents’ friends all night, goofing around with Tristan and Liam, smooching his mother’s cheeks and conferring with his father, his admiration and affection for the man so apparent … seeing him like this makes me love him even more. There are things about his life I don’t like, and I worry about him all the time, but he is everything I want.
It’s a sobering thing to realize, which is ironic because there’s still plenty of alcohol thrumming through my veins. I want to tell him how I feel. How Ireallyfeel. The song ends, and in the moment before another one begins, we stop swaying. I look up into his raincloud eyes, my heart clenching at how deeply he sees into me. Before I can say anything, he tilts my chin up and kisses me. The taste of wine lingers on his tongue, and I let myself get lost, letting everything else fade away.
At the endof it all, everyone heads to the rooftop to sing happy birthday. It’s a gorgeous night, Boston’s city lights glimmering in the background as stars sparkle overhead and a light breeze chases away the summer heat.
This might be the happiest I have ever seen him, his grandson in his arms, his wife and children at his side, a beatific smile on his face as his guests crowd around for champagne and cake. Sloane makes a sweet, emotional toast, celebrating her husband and his strength, his ability tocome through whatever life hands him. Her words bring tears to my eyes, and judging by the sniffles around me, I’m not the only one.
By midnight, everyone is gone except for Owen’s parents and his inner circle, just like old times. When a light rain begins to fall, we clear the last of the party’s detritus from the rooftop and head downstairs. Lucky puts Liam, who passed out hours ago, into his childhood bed while the rest of us eat cake in the living room. Even though I’ve heard some of these stories before, I love seeing the Kellys through the lens of their loved ones.
And then Lucky’s godfather, Donovan, starts telling a story about when Lucky was little, how he went through a phase of wanting to dress just like his dad. “Owen was always so proud of these boys,” he says fondly, his eyes crinkled at the corners. “And you too, Princess Maeve.” A few people titter at that. “But look at you now, Lucky. Leading Saoirse. I knew you’d follow in your daddy’s footsteps.”
I’m sleepy, and it takes a second for Donovan’s words to register.Lucky’s leading Saoirse?Since when? I look across the room, to where he’s sitting between Tristan and their dad. He probably senses my gaze, because his eyes move slowly to mine. I can see by the hard look on his face that he didn’t mean for me to find out, at least not like this. My heart sinks. I’m always the last to know everything.
Looking away, I place the fork down on my plate, my appetite vanishing at the news of this promotion. Donovan continues his affectionate speech, but I tune him out as my mind races with questions. Lucky and all ofhis fucking secrets. It’s one thing to participate in the family business, quite another to run it. If I thought things were intense with the syndicate and its foes before, I can’t imagine how they’ll be now. Our eyes meet again, and this time, I hold his gaze.
Bria’s quiet on the way home, but I know she’s thinking about what she heard at the party. I leave her alone. We had a really good time tonight, and I’m not going to fuck it up by fighting with her. I get that it was a shock to find out I’d been promoted, but this is who I am. She’ll either learn to accept it or leave.
Tossing my clothes onto the floor of my walk-in closet, I dip into the bathroom for a shower. When I get back to the bedroom, Bria’s sitting on my bed in a t-shirt. Her dark eyes rake over my mostly naked body, making my dick stir.
Well, this is a nice surprise. I cross the room and lay her back, taking her mouth in a rough, wet kiss. She wraps her legs around me, and I slip my arm beneath her, scooting up the bed to give us more room. Thrusting against her little cotton panties, I lick a slow circle around the shell of her ear. “Are you here to make up?”
A smirk cuts through the haze of desire on her flushed, pretty face. “Were we fighting?”
“I don’t know.” I thrust again. “But let’s make up anyway.”
Her eyes soften, and she strokes my face. “I want you to tell me the truth.”
I don’t know what she wants me to say. “Bria ...”