Page 68 of Whiskey Kisses
Evie’sin the garden with Timmy when we get back to the house, kneeling on the grass with a shovel while he lounges nearby with a joint. They’re talking quietly, Timmy nodding at whatever she’s saying. That kid never leaves her side. I chose him for Evie because he’s unassuming and non-threatening—to her.
But he’s deceptively capable. The rest of us know that behind that stoner babyface is someone who does whatever it takes. Timmy offers me the joint as I walk by, but I decline with a shake of my head. “Maybe later.”
My girl glances over her shoulder at the sound of my voice, her eyes cautiously searching mine. “Hey,” she says softly, rising from her knees and brushing the soil from her hands. She’s in leggings and a thin sweatshirt that hits just above her knees. “How’d it go?”
“It’s done,” I say simply, feeling strangely conflicted for the first time … ever. I did what I came down here to do and that’s a massive fucking relief, but there will be consequences, some good and some not so good. What happened today affects a lot of people, Evie being one of them.
“Okay.” She nods slowly, not coming any closer. “Is my dad okay?”
“He acted the way we expected,” I say, hoping she doesn’t want me to go into detail. “He opted not to stay on, so I gave him a week to sort things out before we come in. I’ve already changed the locks at the warehouse by City Market.”
“Oh, wow,” she breathes, looking a little stunned. “Okay.”
I glance at Timmy, who gets the hint and lopes off toward the house. “Listen, this was just the first step. Maybe the most important step, but there might be some fallout with the Deschamps.”
Evie peels off her gloves, dropping them into a bucket near her feet. Taking a slow breath, she pushes the strands of red that have escaped her ponytail with the back of her hand. “Depending on how much myfather owes them, do you think we could just pay them off? Would your family even consider it?”
“I don’t know,” I say slowly. “I can talk to Dad and Lucky, but he probably owes a lot. I mean, he was going to use you as leverage.”
Hurt flashes over her face as she looks away. “That’s true.”
“Your father’s in pretty deep with the Deschamps,” I tell her. “I don’t know the full extent of it, but it’s messy.”
“I’m starting to realize that.”
“Things could get rocky,” I add.
“You’ve been saying that for a while,” she says, giving me a wry smile.
“’Cause it’s true.” Walking closer, I brush my hand down the length of her arm and link our fingers. “What d’you think about staying with my family for the next few weeks? Maybe even a month?”
“Your family?” she blurts, her eyes lit with alarm. “In Boston?”
I shrug casually, as if my gut isn’t tightening with apprehension at the thought of her being gone. “Yeah.”
“Without you?” she clarifies, a small frown marring her face.
“Well, yeah.” She doesn’t look too keen on the idea, not that I expected her to be. Still, maybe I can make her see reason. “It’d be nice. You’d love Bria, and Lucky’s little boy, Liam. They’re going to the beach house?—"
Evie shakes her head. “Why would I do that?”
“I finally told my dad everything,” I say. “He’s worried about you getting caught in the crossfire, so he suggested sending you up.”
She disentangles her hand from mine and crosses her arms over her chest. “Have you gotten to know me at all over the past few weeks?”
Here we go. “Evie.”
“I’m not a child, Tristan! What makes you think I’d want to cower in Boston while you deal with things here?” she rants. “I can handle myself.”
“I know that,” I shoot back. “I know you can handle yourself, Evie. But there’s nothing wrong with taking a breather.”
Evie gazes back at me earnestly. “I didn’t sign up for this to run away when things get tough.”
“You didn't sign up for any of this,” I argue, frustrated. Not at her, but at the situation we’re in.
“Didn’t I, though? The day I married you?” She tosses up her hands. “I knew who you were, what your family was like. I might not have realized how deep the rabbit hole went, but I wasn’t totally naïve.”
She’s not wrong, I guess. “To be fair, I was the lesser of two evils.”