Page 3 of Love is So Mean
What child doesn’t care that their parent isn’t doing well?
I push the stressful day out of my head as I shift my focus to the pleasure that awaits. Even after three years, the thoughtof my woman makes my heart beat faster and my dick harden.Emily.Even her name pulls a content sigh out of me as my body fills with the love I have for her.
It could be cliché, but I never considered love at first sight to be a real thing. I didn’t vehemently deny it was possible nor did I root for it; I simply just didn’t consider it. Until Emily, I swear I was in love from the moment I met her.
Emily’s green eyes locked with mine across a crowded restaurant. It didn’t matter that we were on separate dates, we couldn’t stop looking at each other. Throughout my dinner, I found myself missing what my date was saying. I had to have Emily. I politely excused myself and motioned for her to follow me. The sound of her heels clinking against the floor brought satisfaction to my ears.
Her blondish-brown hair fell in soft waves that reached mid-back. Her body appeared to glow a soft golden hue, making her tan dress look almost rose gold. Each curve was perfectly accentuated and begging for my attention. My heart rate increased with every open-toe-stilettoed step she took.
Instinctively, I reached for her because my body couldn’t take not knowing hers any longer. My desire for her almost choked me. If I had anything eloquent to say, the words died with the slide of my fingers running up her soft arm. Her pouty lips curved into an inviting smile which left only a few words in my vocabulary.
“Let’s go.”
We’ve been together ever since. Even now, the smile tugging at my lips as I get closer to our house would have people thinking that we’ve just met. The driver stops and I climb out. We’ve made an agreement that he doesn’t need to do anything but drive.
“Wait for me, Keith,” I call out as I tap the top of the car.
Even with my excitement to see Emily after a long, hard day, I pause to take in the house I’m looking into buying for us. A multimillion dollar five bedroom and six bathroom house nestled on several acres of land. I worked hard to afford this kind of lifestyle and want my future wife to enjoy it as well. We’re using the leasing-to-buy option to see if this is where we want to be.
Future wife.
The phrase still makes me almost breathless. It's been my goal since we met but I've planned this moment for a month. Nothing will get in my way.
The glass and iron door opens to reveal Emily. She practically floats out to greet me. Her black bodycon corset dress makes my mouth water. Each step gives her cleavage just enough bounce to motivate me to go inside but she’s not dressed to stay home.
One quick glance at the strappy stilettos adorning her feet makes the ring in my pocket ache to be in her finger.
“What’s the occasion?” I tease between kisses.
The way she whips her sleek ponytail over her shoulder lets me know she’s excited that I planned our date. I usually leave the details for her.
“Just you being the best, my love,” her eyes sparkle with mischief.
“The best, huh? What did I do?”
“You,” she starts but steals a peck before she continues her sentence. “Got us reservations at Halo.”
I quirk my brows and let out a low whistle like I wasn't the one who told her about the reservation. “You mean the exclusive, ‘you have to know someone who knows someone, we’re not spending less than a thousand dollars on dinner,’ restaurant Halo?”
Emily bobs her head with joy reddening her cheeks. “I'm sure they were more than happy to find a spot for the great Enrique Souza.”
I continue to smile at her to keep my grimace at bay. The last minute reservations and cost isn’t the issue- I'd pay any price to make the night special. We’ve had extravagant meals before so she is not suspicious. It’s the knowledge that I’m not the VIP in this scenario. I had to name drop to get us into the place she’s been stalking on social media.
My association withYasmeena the Cruelis the only reason my name has any weight. While I'm glad it gets my baby what she wants, I’ve always wanted my name to have power without help. Especially nothers.Not that I’m sure Yasmeena would help me in this way if I would have asked her.
Pushing away my issues, I hold out my hand with a grin. “Well, let’s go before they realize I’m not a baseball player in the MLB.”
My love’s giggle lightens my heart and erases any remnants for stress that may have lingered. She hooks her arms in mine and I guide her back to the car I just vacated. Once we’re settled, I drop my head back and close my eyes. I’m not sleepy or nervous; Emily is my comfort. I enjoy the silence for a beat while inhaling the sweet scent of my woman.
“Yes,” I responded without opening my eyes.
“Do you think we’ll still have to go through a drive-thru after dinner?”
My chuckle escapes in a low rumble since my head is already back. The last time we tried to be adventurous with the latest hot thing, the portions were tiny and we hated everything.
“I hope not.”