Page 31 of Love is So Mean
“I didn’t think we’d be seeing much of each other until it’s time to have sex. You have things to do during the day, right?”
“We both do but there are nights and weekends. Are you going to avoid me on those days?”
“I don’t avoid. And where are the papers, Enrique? The signed papers?”
“I shredded and burned everything. Emily was starting to snoop. I’m sure you have a copy.”
“I do.” I grab a glass and hand it to him. “Follow me again for the good stuff. Then we’ll head to my office so you can sign the papers with my lawyers on video.”
“Do you talk to your lawyers naked often?”
“I do not. I have a blazer in my office for business dealings like this.”
“Lead the way.”
I lead Enrique to the drink mini bar around the other side of the kitchen. “Grab whatever drink you prefer and then we can move on.”
He grabs the whiskey and after he pours some, we continue further down the hall and because I live alone, there’s no door to my office.
“My office,” I say to him. I walk over to the rack of blazers. I pick my black oversized one and slip it on, buttoning it up. “Take a seat.”
Once Enrique sits across from me, I grab my laptop, open it up and call my lawyers, letting them know what’s happening and turn it his way.
“Before you sign, do you need another drink?”
He stares at his glass for a second as if just now realizing that it’s empty. “Sure.”
I stand, walking out to grab the whiskey decanter and bring it back. I pour and place the decanter near him on the desk. “Sign.”
Enrique's green eyes snap to mine with one of the looks he’s known to give me when he’s ready to argue.
“Any objections, Mr. Souza?”
He reaches over and hits mute on the computer. “Are you sure about everything? The sex and all of it?”
“All of it? Why wouldn’t I be? This is what I need.”
“Okay…this all will be moot if you back out on getting pregnant.” he says slowly and finishes his second drink. “You’re not a virgin, are you?”
“Are you a virgin?”
“You know I’m not. Just give me a straight yes or no. I don’t want the extra. Are you a virgin?”
Doing what my therapist, Janae, told me to do when it’s a single person around me, I pay attention to more than just Enrique’s words; his inner eyebrows slanting, the lowered lip corners, and his eyes are dull. They’re not as bright or sharp as they usually are.
Should I say something? Is what I’m asking of him making him sad? Did he want to be with Emily that bad?
“No, I’m not a virgin.”
”Kiss me and I'll sign it.”
“Kiss you?”
“Kiss me. Prove to me that you're okay with the intimate stuff.”
“I don’t like challenges but okay.”
I unmute my lawyers. “I’ll call right back.” I shut my laptop and step in front of Enrique. Without giving him a chance to ask what I’m doing, I unbutton my blazer, letting it slip off. His eyes follow my blazer and then back up to my breasts. His eyes linger there before he looks into my eyes. I straddle him, lowering myself into his lap. My hand goes to his jaw, this isn’t a power play. Since I am detached, I’ve learned the art of seduction. My lips are closer as I lean in so my nipples graze his shirt. My other hand slips into his hair, I form a fist and snap his head back giving me access to his neck. I leave a trail with my tongue from his neck all the way up to his chin. I nip at his chin; he groans as his fingers touch my body. His hands land on my ass as he kneads and grinds my body further into his erection.