Page 62 of Love is So Mean
I stop looking through my options to face her. “Yes, I said that. What does it mean to you? Respecting me as your husband.”
“To me? Clearly one of them is you don’t like other men around even though they’re not trying anything. Let’s see, you like gifts, you want attention, and what am I missing?”
I laugh at her unexpected summary because I’m sure she based off something she’s seen. “How did you conclude I like gifts? Everyone wants some level of attention by the way.”
“I can go without the attention, I’ve had way too much from the media all my life. For the gifts, I watched when Jeeves came in with something small like candies plus, Jeeves told me. I asked, so guess, I cheated.”
I nod as I sit on my side of the bed. “I appreciatethoughtfulgifts. Thank you for thinking of me. How are you feeling with the meds?”
“Okay, I’ll take a note of that. The meds are okay, a little nauseous like the doctor said but it’s not too bad this week. Why? Did you notice something?”
“No. I’m just checking in to see how you’re feeling.”
“I’m fine. Haven’t missed taking them but the pain is still bad sometimes.”
I pat the bed next to me. “Come here.”
“Okay…” Yasmeena walks over and sits but the suspicion is written all over her face.
Reaching over, I pull her into a hug, ignoring the stiffness in her posture.
“What’s this?”
“Just relax and let me hold you.”
“I don’t know how to relax but okay, fine.”
With a smirk. I drop a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you for trying.”
“Welcome? Now, can I finish getting ready? I have bobby pins to make disappear in my hair.”
I release her with a soft laugh. “We’ll get it right one day, Yas. Next thing you know, cuddling.”
Yasmeena shudders, with wide eyes. “Oh, no, no.” She stands moving away from me. “We don’t have to try cuddling.”
I stand because I need to get my clothes together but I want to point out two things first.
“I want to cuddle, Yas. I know this is our first time going into public as a couple but that won’t mean a damn thing if you’re not feeling well. We go when you’re ready to go, okay?”
“I’m okay enough to go out. I have to take the last one for tonight. You want to see me doing that too? And as for cuddling, I’ll try it once and if it’s not good, I’m reducing the kissing to once a day. Fair?” Yasmeena smirks.
I return the smile and answer as best as my forty years on earth will allow. “No backsies.”
“No backsies? As the COO, that’s your counter argument?” Yasmeena chuckles then stops as if she did something wrong.
I stare at her stunned and somehow proud that I made her laugh. It’s not an easy thing for me to do.
“I like your laugh, you should do it more often.”
“I don’t really like how I sound when I laugh. It sounds so foreign sometimes.”
“Only because you don’t do it often. It’s a cute laugh.”
“Okay, maybe.”
Without another word, we go our separate ways as if the internal timers in our heads started ticking. We may not have much in common but work ethic and being on time is where we mesh without error.
It’s not many gold items I like for suit or tuxedo pairings so I keep it simple. I put on my tux with a black shirt, tie, and vest. Then I focus on the accessories. I choose a gold vest chain, a black belt with a gold buckle, and black shoes. Moving to the jewelry section of the closet, I check the area for the watches she mentioned. I release a low whistle once I see the five new watches laid out for me.