Page 75 of Love is So Mean
“I’ll expand on what my husband is saying, Scott.” Yasmeena looks at me and smiles sweetly then looks at Scott. “While it may seem like there could be some big conspiracy with that, there isn’t. We worked together for four years, almost going on five. There could be times where there aren’t any feelings between coworkers but it wasn’t like that for us. There was a moment where we both looked at each other and knew we were lying to each other. You can date and date and date until you turn blue in the face but there’s something different with that person. You know what I mean, Scott. Your entire body screams it.” Yasmeena turns to me and cups my face. “I knew I was yours when you first said my name, baby.” Yasmeena pulls me in for a quick kiss before pulling away, wiping my lips and turning to face Scott again.
My frustration with her increases but I hide it since it’s counter-productive to her defending me. I know exactly why itfrustrates me. I wish she meant to but I’m just a different type of employee to her. I was lying to myself before the gala to think it was anything more.
“That’s beautiful and wonderful to hear, Yasmeena but I do want to ask you this, Enrique, how do you feel or rather what would you like to address about the money? No one should be called names but again, people are a little overstimulated with social media these days. We’d like to hear it in your words.”
“I know you said I had a Midas touch with finance but I need to expand on that. For all the years I’ve worked for Yasmeena, the only money I cared about was the state of the business. My job. I didn’t ask Google or Yasmeena about her net worth. I married her because I wanted to marry her. Honestly, I found out how much I inherited with the rest of the world. We were surprised together. People will believe what they want regardless of what I say,” I give Emily a hard look. “I found that out at the end of the other relationship you asked about.”
“Thank you for answering that. One more hard question before we hopefully move on from this. Did you plan for your wedding with Yasmeena to be the day after your break up? Some will look at this and call your wife names, or both of you. Some will say there was stepping out involved or that you married Yasmeena for convenience, what do you say to that?”
“Honestly, the first response that comes to mind is mind your business. And yes, I’m talking to the world, but I’ll explain anyway. I’ve never cheated on anyone or anything. My ex packed up while I was at work and left me a note saying she was taking a job in a different country-a decision she made several days prior. I found out she blocked me as well when I tried to call her. After venting to Yasmeena, we decided to cut out the crap and marry each other. The decision felt right so we eloped the next day. And before you ask, no, I don’t consider her to be a rebound. In fact, it made me realize that my break up didn’t hurt as much as itshould’ve. My ex can never return to me.” I look at Emily who’s not smiling like she was before. “Never.”
“Thank you for answering that and letting us know.” Someone passes him a note quickly without being seen on camera. Scott’s brows shoot up and he makes a face but goes back to being neutral. “Before we move on, I wanted to ask because we heard from an inside source that you’re getting major surgery soon, Yasmeena, anything wrong?”
Yasmeena slightly flinches at the question. Her hands go to her lap as her nails dig into the dress and she isn’t making eye contact with anyone, the only indication she’s breathing is how hard her hands are shaking.
I grab her hand to help her refocus while I give Scott an easy smile. “This isn’t the way I wanted to announce anything, but, no, there aren’t any major surgeries planned. We’re simply preparing for children. The person who wanted you to ask that question is very intrusive.”
Scott nods. “I agree, glad we could address what needed to be addressed. I want to thank the both of you for giving us your time and the exclusive. WBKA thanks you and to the viewers,” Scott looks at the camera. “Like Enrique Souza said, learn to mind your business. There’s nothing wrong with being curious but let’s keep it to a minimum when we wonder about people’s lives. Everyone deserves to be happy and in love in the privacy of their own homes. From us to you, have a wonderful day!”
“And Cut!” someone yells out. As if on cue, Yasmeena stands walking away faster than she normally would.
I let her have a moment as she would say and focus my attention on Scott. Extending a hand and an olive branch, I reach out to shake it.
“Thank you for the interview. There has been a lot going on so it made me a little edgy. It’s not you, it’s the questions.”
Scott gives me a genuine smile and shakes my hand back. “It’s always a gamble to ask the hard questions. You two took them much better than most. Thank you.”
Emily slides up next to Scott, offering him a bottle of water. “No problem,” I say with a wave of my hand.
“And Emily, you know exactly how we ended. Don’t put your new boyfriend in that position again.”
Scott chokes on his water, confirming my suspicion. He didn’t know I was her ex. I don’t wait around to hear their conversation because I just don’t give a damn about what they have to discuss. I need to check on my wife even though she aggravates me.
Chapter 46
The question about my surgery threw me for a loop and I froze. I never freeze when it comes to anything but that wasn’t something I wanted out to the public. While Enrique was able to cover it up, the mention of having children or preparing to, didn’t make it any better, it made it worse. The only thing I could do right after was practically walk as fast as I could to the bathroom.
Thankfully, it’s a one person bathroom and no one is going to barge in on me. I make it to the toilet in time to throw up every single thing I had this morning. After a moment of dry heaving, I’m able to stand.
I’m not throwing up because of my cancer or the side effects to the medication, it’s just the reaction to the question. My mother used to hate it when I did that. If there was a question that triggered something, I wouldn’t simply answer it, I’d freeze up and go vomit it out. I take a deep breath as I walk over to the sink area that seems to have every necessary thing like unopened single use toothbrushes, toothpaste and even mouthwash. It makes me wonder how many people this happens to.
My hands are still shaking after I’m done with everything and I know it's my nerves but I can’t shake it off so easily thistime maybe because I know how close the surgery is and that I’ve accepted my reality. What I wanted was a dream that can’t be accomplished. Even if the surgery lowers the risk, it doesn’t change that it might never happen. I never thought about getting married twice in order to achieve the same goal.
When I walk out, I see Enrique down the hall.
“We both need to change.” I don’t know where he is with his anger or frustration from earlier so I keep the same distance we had before the interview when we reach the dressing room.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asks me once we're alone.
“I’m fine.” I take a deep breath and realize just like putting it on, I need someone to unzip me. “Unzip me, please.”
“Ok,” he agrees and moves behind me to unzip my dress.
“Thanks.” It’s quiet while we undress and as I sit on the couch to remove the boots, I let him know. “What he asked is true. I am having major surgery… tomorrow.”
“Why? I thought you didn't want it.”