Page 36 of Prey
Kadi enters the room just then. I forgot to take his clothes to him so he’s in nothing but a towel. He walks over and envelops both of us in a hug. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. We’ll figure all this out and then work on what we need to. Don’t beat yourself up over a bumpy start. It’s all good now and that’s what really matters.”
I know he’s right, but it seems my favorite thing to do is castigate myself. I’ve been doing that for way too long, though. Time for a change. I walk over and grab the duffle, rifling through it until I find a pair of shorts for me and Kadi both. I toss him a pair and then take mine to the bathroom to take another quick shower since I had to put these nasty clothes back on after the last one. When I come back out, Shasta is seated at the bar and Kadi is making BLT’s.
She has her toes perched on the side rails of the stool, face flushed from laughing. I don’t know what they were talking about before I came in but I see the bond between them shining brightly. They both smile at me when I walk in.
“Kadi is giving me shit about wanting BLT’s again. Apparently I can’t live off them, which is ridiculous,” she says, rolling her eyes.
Laughing, I reach out and pluck her from her stool, seating myself on it before putting her in my lap. She screeches and wraps her arm around my shoulder as I settle her. Nuzzling her neck I say, “Well, you do need a balanced diet if you plan on having two mates. You definitely need some more meat than just bacon in that diet.” I wag my eyebrows at her suggestively and we all laugh.
I can get down with this kind of life. Maybe letting go of the past won’t be as hard as I thought it would be if this is what it will be like every day. Shasta plants a big sloppy kiss on my cheek and I close my eyes in gratitude that I was able to pull my head out of my ass enough to give this tiny witch a chance.
Chapter nineteen
Mate Sandwich & Surprise Breakfast
Iwake up feeling very warm and safe snuggled between my two mates. Three days ago I never thought I’d be here, that's for sure. I listen to both of them breathe lightly in the morning sunlight. It’s glinting off the strands of gold in Ethan's hair. The lighter brown strands in Kadi’s look almost caramel colored. They are…for lack of a better word…beautiful. Ethan stirs and opens his blue eyes and smiles at me a little before frowning.
“What time is it?” he asks, voice still husky from sleep.
“Early, maybe six or so?”
He wraps an arm around my waist and presses his face against me, inhaling deeply.
“Gods but you smell delicious,” he growls.
Kadi chuckles behind me. “Big difference from yesterday huh?”
Ethan growls at him and says, “I’m hard headed okay?”
We all laugh and I slide down to the end of the bed, stretching my arms in the air and arching my back. It’s going to take some getting used to having a man on either side of me in bed. I’m a little stiff. Of course, I’ve also had more sex the last couple days than I’ve had in two years too.
I stand and head to the bathroom. I do my business and then turn on the shower and step in. Since the shop is still closed, I guess we can just head to Grams’ and see if she’s had any luck with the locator spell yet.
Thinking about my dad, I feel my eyes tear up. He’s alive. After all of these years missing him and watching my mom almost lose her mind completely, it feels surreal. Now we just have to find him before we really do lose him for good.
I’m very glad my mom isn’t the one that has premonitions because I don’t think she could handle this. It’s so hard keeping it from her, but I don’t like to think about what might happen if they end up killing him for real before we can get to him. The little stunt Logan pulled last night makes me nervous. The last thing I want is for there to be some kind of retaliation for me not going with him. I’ll go there, wherever there is, but it will be on our terms.
I finish, deciding to save some time and use my magic to dry myself and my hair. Stepping out into the bedroom I realize the guys have gotten up and are probably getting ready in the other room. I showed them where the guest bedroom was before we went to bed last night. They put the things Laken brought over for them in the closet. Obviously they are going to sleep with me when they are here, but they need their own space too.
I throw on a pair of soft black leggings and an oversized purple sweater. Grabbing my platform boots, I walk down the hall to the living room and see Ethan dressed and making breakfast. It smells delicious.
“You cook too?” I ask, with surprise.
“Well, you know, we had to survive somehow without someone cooking for us all this time. I actually like cooking though. I’m not too shabby at it either. I’ll have to make a good dinner for you soon as a date night,” he says with a wink.
I freeze. A date night with Ethan? He hated me yesterday and today we are talking about date night. Talk about a roller coaster. Walking over to him, I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest.
“Thank you for giving me a chance. I know that was hard for you,” I whisper.
He rubs my back softly and buries his face in my hair. “No, thank you for giving me one after the way I acted.”
I pull away and look up at him. He kisses the tip of my nose and I giggle a little. Smacking his butt I turn and find a spot to sit down, reaching for the coffee, my creamer, and sugar. He set out some whipped cream too, so I build my coffee and then sip it in delight while I watch my mate cook.
Kadi comes out not too long later rubbing his hair with a towel, no shirt on. My mouth goes dry as I look at his chest and abs. Clenching my legs together, I look from one to the other and they chuckle at me under their breath.
Gods dammit. Their damn noses again.