Page 25 of Luca
“That would have been a problem,” I said, a wry smile on my lips.
“Exactly,” he nodded. “That’s when Alexi stepped in. With a few discreet calls, he ensured my son faced only a slap on the wrist rather than serious consequences, allowing him to retain his scholarship.” His relief was palpable.
“That must have meant a lot to you.”
“It did, and we became good friends after that,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leaned closer, as if about to share a secret. “We played golf regularly, even though he wasn’t very good. I must admit, I often played badly to ensure he won. The guy needed all the help he could get,” he chuckled, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ha, I heard that, old timer. Dad said it was the other way around,” Miki’s voice came from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise. The rascal had snuck up on me while I was engrossed in conversation with Bradley.
Miki smirked at my reaction before turning toward his lawyer. “That’s what I let him think,” Bradley replied, and Miki chuckled.
“Just popped in to see how you were doing. May sent me up,” he said, producing a bottle of Scotch. “Brought you something to enjoy once you’re back on your feet again,” he added, his gaze warm as it swept over the older man.
“Oh, wonderful! Macallan. My favourite. Thank you, son,” Bradley said, and my heart warmed at the closeness these two shared.
“What do you think of Claire, old timer? She’s almost as sharp as you. Bet she’ll keep you on your toes,” Miki teased, glancing my way.
I felt my cheeks flush at the sudden attention.
“Indeed. And a beauty too. Brains and beauty. What more could a man ask for? No wonder Luca’s set his sights on her,” Bradley replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
The heat in my cheeks deepened at the revelation of Luca’s interest in me.
“If I were forty years younger and not madly in love with my May, I’d give him a run for his money,” Bradley said, winking, and I laughed. The man was incorrigible.
Shaking my head, I picked up my cup and took a sip.
“And speaking of love, how is your young lady?” Bradley asked Miki.
I watched intently as Miki’s expression transformed into a happy glow I’d only ever seen when he was with Eilidh.
“Great. The best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he replied with a grin.
Eilidh had been a police officer in Scotland before learning that her corrupt colleagues had killed her dad. She’d met Miki somehow; I didn’t know the ins and outs of that story. What I did know was that he’d somehow saved her life, and they’d fallen head over heels. She’d left the force and was now engaged to him—a Bratva pakhan. It was a strange situation, but I guessed that discovering her colleagues were corrupt and had committed such a heinous crime would be enough to turn anyone off the law.
“Have you taken a look at Luca’s case?” Miki asked, his tone growing more serious.
“Yes, and there’s a lot of work to do, but I have no doubt that, together, Claire and I will get him out of this predicament.”
Miki nodded.
“Well, I have a meeting to get to, so I’ll leave you two to finish your tea and get back to work. I’ll check in with you both tomorrow. In the meantime, if you need anything, let me know,” he said before disappearing.
Bradley watched him go with a gentle smile.
“He’s a good boy, that one,” he said before turning to me. “Now, what were we talking about before he arrived?”
“You were telling me how you became a Bratva lawyer.”
“Ah yes, we remained close friends for the next few years, but when Alexi’s lawyer was killed by a disgruntled husband—he was a ladies’ man, you see, particularly partial to married ones—he offered me the job. I knew him well by then and respected him greatly, so I didn’t hesitate. The fact I was feeling undervalued by my firm at the time, overlooked for a promotion yet again in favour of a partner’s son, only sweetened the offer. Alexi made me feel like I mattered again.”
I smiled as he continued.
“Since then, I have helped with everything they’ve needed, whether in a commercial law capacity for their business interests or in a criminal capacity. I must admit it has been more commercial these days, especially since Miki took over and has been turning to more legitimate sources of income. There has been less need for me to attend criminal court, and I have to say, I much prefer that.”
Bradley’s mouth tilted in a smile as he watched me closely, trying to gauge my response, no doubt fully aware of my own issues with the situation. Finally, I nodded slowly, filled with an understanding I hadn’t expected. My initial caution about working with him faded, replaced by a newfound respect for the man who was deeply embedded in a world I had always viewed with suspicion.
“Shall we get back to work, then?” he said, patting the bed. I nodded happily and climbed up beside him.