Page 30 of Luca
Why not simply wait for a moment of vulnerability to eliminate him? Did the MP really need to have Luca behind bars to carry out his plan? What was the purpose of murdering Julie and framing Luca for it? Was this all part of a twisted game to dismantle his reputation and send a warning to the Rominovs while also exacting revenge?
There was so much more to this than I understood. The rationale behind the MP’s actions was lost on me, but one thing was clear: he was a dangerous psychopath, and I had no intention of delving into his twisted psyche.
Regardless of his reasons, he wouldn’t win. And neither would Elizabeth.
The prosecution’s case was flimsy at best. Given the assault Luca had endured, it would be nearly impossible for the judges to deny bail without facing serious backlash, even amid the media storm.
Despite what Elizabeth wanted, I’d get Luca out of prison next week and then I was going to help Bradley get my guy off these charges, no matter what.
Oops, my guy?!
I was still teetering on the fence with that one, yet thinking of him as “my guy” felt undeniably right in that moment. Damn, I was still so bloody confused.
Shaking my head, I pushed my uncertainty aside. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on my tangled love life and my feelings for Mr Sexy Kisser.
Nodding goodbye to the prison officer at the external door, I headed toward my car.
As I approached, something felt off. Shit, my tires were flat! Both front lights were smashed, and someone had keyed the side.
Fuck! This was the bloody prison car park. How had this happened?
I returned inside to file a complaint. Ironically, the camera that should have covered the car park had been repositioned to face another direction, leaving no footage of the vandalism. Of course, there were no witnesses either.
As I left the building again, I got a text:“Back off, or you’ll be next!”
My blood ran cold. Shit just got real. The vandalism to my car was an unmistakable warning, and I suddenly realised just how much danger I was in. If they could reach me in a prison car park, they could get to me anywhere.
Luca was right, I needed protection. I gave Miki a quick call and then arranged a tow truck.
Within half an hour, Vlad arrived just as the tow truck pulled up next to my car. After arranging for my car to be taken to my local garage, Vlad took me back to mine.
“Pack a bag. Miki wants you to stay at the Estate until this is over,” Vlad said, his voice as gruff as ever.
“Hell, no!” I shot back, crossing my arms defiantly. “All I need is a bodyguard.”
“Claire, you received several threats today. You need protection. Miki wants you with us where you can be looked after properly. This isn’t up for debate.”
“I don’t need to be babysat in some mansion! I have a job to do. I can take care of myself—just someone to watch my back is all I ask.” My frustration bubbled over, flushing my cheeks.
“Look, I get it. You’re tough, but this isn’t something you can handle alone. They got to you in a prison car park. You could be a target anywhere. You’re safer with us.”
His calm demeanour only made my annoyance flare more. “I’ve faced threats before. I won’t hide away like some damsel in distress!” My heart raced with indignation; my life was spiralling out of control, and I hated it.
“Then take it up with Miki. He’s the one calling the shots here, not me. Just know he wouldn’t suggest this if it weren’t necessary.”
“Fine!” I retorted, voice sharp. “I’ll call Miki and give him a piece of my mind!”
I dialled Miki’s number, my heart pounding as I braced myself for the conversation.
“Claire,” Miki answered, his voice calm yet firm. “Are you safe?”
“I’m fine, but I don’t appreciate being treated like a child. I don’t need to stay at the Estate. I can handle this on my own.” Even as I said the words, I knew I was being foolish. Miki was right, I just wasn’t ready to accept that yet.
“Your car was vandalised, and you received a threatening message. You need protection, Claire.”
“Protection? I’m not some fragile thing that needs coddling.” My voice strained with the effort to maintain my composure.
“Luca would want you to be safe,” he replied, a hint of steel in his tone.