Page 49 of Luca
My knees buckled, and I just barely caught myself from collapsing as the last of my cum shot into her throat and she gave my sated dick one last lick before pulling her mouth off with a loud slurp.
“Hmm, now that’s the best breakfast in bed, I’ve ever had,” she said, grinning wickedly as she licked the final drops of me off her lips.
The sight went straight to my groin and my cock was suddenly awake again. “Time to return the favour,” I told her, pushing her back onto the bed. “Time to melt the Ice Queen,” I teased, a grin tugging at my lips.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. “And yet, you can melt me so easily.”
I chuckled, the sound echoing in the quiet room. “It took a while to figure out how, but now that I know. I’ll be keeping this delectable little body of yours so hot with need, they’ll have to start calling you the Flame Queen. There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that you could spontaneously combust with your passion for me at any second. In fact, you’ll be so hot that you’ll scorch people with the heat from your body, instead of that icy look you usually give them.”
“You’re such a fool.” Her laughter mingled with a sigh as she snuggled closer, resting her head against my chest. I savoured the moment, tracing small circles on her back with my fingertips, relishing the feel of her skin against mine. It was a luxury to have her here, to feel her warmth and the steady rhythm of her breath.
She giggled as I dived between her legs, intent on eating my own breakfast. Soon, her giggles had turned to breathy moans.
A few hours later, sated after our mutual breakfast had turned into yet another full-blown sex session, we dozed, wrapped up in each other, enjoying the peacefulness of a lazy Saturday morning.
Claire sighed and shifted in my arms. She was thinking about the incident with that fucker again. I could practically hear the thoughts whirling around her head.
“You’re thinking too loud, babe,” I said, forcing my eyes open.
“Sorry. I’m still processing everything, I guess. I hate that I have to face with him again. How are we going to manage to work together after that?”
“Yeah, about that.” I paused, gathering my thoughts. “I don’t like it either. I’m going to look into him.”
Claire lifted her head, a spark of concern in her eyes. “Luca, I appreciate the thought, but?—”
“No buts,” I interrupted, my voice firm. “You deserve to feel safe, and I won’t let some piece of shit threaten that. I won’t interfere or tell you not to work there, but I want to know just how much of a threat the man is. From now on, Vlad will be with you to ensure he can’t threaten you again. Hopefully, he will have learned his lesson and that won’t be a concern in the future. But for now, we’re not taking any chances. Understood?”
“Yes, sir!” she said with a cheeky salute. My eyes blazed with lust.
“Sir… hmm, I like that. Brings all sorts of wicked thoughts to mind. We’ll have to see what we can do with that later tonight,” I said, licking my lips and winking.
She giggled. “You’re incorrigible.” She shook her head at me, but I could see the speculative glint in her eye. I wasn’t the only one interested in exploring that particular kink. Role play hadn’t been something I’d ever been into before, but suddenly the idea had me hard again. Unfortunately, such explorations would have to wait, as I had a meeting to attend.
After reluctantly extracting myself from Claire’s warm embrace, I showered and dressed before kissing her goodbye.
“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” I asked.
“I’ll stay in bed until lunch, then grab something to eat. After that, I’m going to find a nice comfy spot in that fabulous library you guys have here, curl up, and read Gracie’s book. Maybe I can get a few pointers from the book boyfriend for you,” she teased.
“Ha, ha. I’m better than any book boyfriend,” I said, unable to keep the trace of indignance from my voice.
She laughed. “That’s what they all say!”
I pouted at her and her eyes softened, her smile turning wicked again. “But in your case, it’s true.”
“Glad you think so, I was beginning to think I’d have to throw you back onto that bed and teach you the error of your ways,” I said, kissing her on the top of the head and valiantly avoiding doing exactly that.
“I’ll be sure to remind you of that fact again later tonight. Have a good day and when you’re reading Gracie’s book, I know who you’ll be picturing as the lead guy,” I told her with a wink as I strode out of the bedroom, adding a touch of swagger to my walk.
Her laughter rang out behind me. “You wish!”
Oh, she’d pay for that! A good spanking was in order and that would fit nicely with a little sir, naughty girl, role play.
Humming a tune in happy anticipation of fulfilling that scenario tonight, I climbed into the back of the SUV where Miki and Ash were waiting. Ash was grinning and whispering into his phone, no doubt talking to Gracie.
“Great day to go for a pub lunch,” I said, grinning.
Miki snorted and raised his eyebrows at my happy demeanour and I could tell he was about to tease me over my obvious infatuation with my Little Miss Sexy Ass just as I’d often done him when he’d first succumbed to Eilidh’s charms.