Page 127 of Bae
The press would run wild with it, and the coverage would be endless. I just wasn’t up for it.
I was tired. I just wanted us to be happy and for the fresh start we worked so hard for to not be tainted with the past.
Ivy must have sensed my swirling thoughts because without a word, she reached across the bed, over her daughter, and grabbed my hand. I gave it a squeeze, thanking her for the silent support.
We sat like that until there was a knock on the door. Ivy and I glanced at each other.
“Think they forgot the key?” she whispered.
I shook my head.
“Me either.”
There was another knock.
“Housekeeping?” Ivy guessed again.
I shrugged and slid out of bed and walked on what felt like unsteady legs toward the door. Ivy followed along with me. Both of us stopped at the door and listened.
I motioned for the peephole, and Ivy nodded. I leaned forward and squinted to look through.
I reared back like someone slapped me.
“What is it?” Ivy whisper demanded.
“Missy!” I whisper yelled.
Her blue eyes went so wide I could see the whites around her entire irises.No way,she mouthed.
Missy knocked again. “I know you’re in there. Open the door.”
Romeo told me not to open the door for anyone.
Remember how I said he wasn’t the boss of me?
I opened the door.
She was standing there at the threshold like she owned the place. Her holier-than-thou persona made my stomach roll and my upper lip curl.
“What the hell do you want?” I snapped, my voice firm and angry, not one ounce of my exhaustion and stress showing through.
“I want my interview and my big payday.”
I had to appreciate the fact that she cut right to the chase.
Hopefully, she would appreciate the fact that I was going to do the same.
I reared back and sent my fist forward with all the momentum I had. It slammed into her nose with really good accuracy. I actually felt the bone shift under my knuckle.
Pain exploded in my hand. I winced but otherwise sucked it up. I wasn’t about to show weakness to this little bitch.
“Ow!” she wailed. Her head snapped back and blood began to pour from her nose. She pressed a hand over it immediately, pulled it back, and gasped when she saw all the red. “You hit me!” she exclaimed. “I think you broke my nose.”
“Better get the hell out of here before I break something else,” I snapped, shaking out my throbbing hand.
“You little bitch,” Missy snarled and dropped her designer bag (which was now splattered with blood) onto the floor. The next thing I knew, she was coming at me.
I planted my feet and got ready for her. If she wanted a fight, then I would damn well give her one. She deserved an ass kicking after everything she’d done to my family.