Page 52 of Bae
“It’s only seven,” she replied, amusement in her tone. “Aren’t you usually training by now?”
I groaned and fell back onto the pillows, making sure I kept the phone at my ear. “Game day,” I murmured. My eyes flew back open. “Rim? What’s wrong?”
My heart started to pound, breath quickening, and I shoved myself up on one arm. She never called me this early.
“Nothing!” she replied quickly. “I’m fine.”
“You’re sure?” I asked, still unable to calm down. Flashes of her tearstained face and the pain in her features that night at the hospital months ago assaulted me.
“I promise,” she vowed. “I just missed you. Figured you’d be up by now.”
“Don’t do that shit to me, baby,” I grumped and lay back on my side, the phone tucked against my ear, held in place by the pillow and my head.
“I have a surprise,” she said, anticipation in her voice.
“Yeah?” I smiled. “Let me guess. We got another dog. And a cat.”
“Romeo!” she admonished.
“A hamster, then.” I teased.
Her giggle filled my head. My chest swelled with love, and I mentally counted the days until I would be able to go home to her.
“No, I didn’t bring home another animal.”
“This time,” I muttered.
She giggled again. “I’m coming to your game tonight!”
“Huh?” I responded, my brain still not fully functioning. Well, that and her words were about the last thing I expected to hear.
“Your parents asked me to sit in their box with them.”
“You’re going to be here tonight?” I clarified, wanting to be sure. Excitement pumped through my veins and woke me the rest of the way.
“Yes! I’m packing a bag right now. We’re leaving in thirty minutes to drive down there.”
“Fuck, baby, that’s so good to hear.” All her words caught up to me. “Wait. Did you say you’re sitting with my parents?”
“Valerie invited me. Their box doesn’t allow press.”
You know it’s bad with the media when Rim chooses to sit with my mother. Usually, my girl sat in the stands, as close to the field as she could. She told me she enjoyed sitting where the fans did, and it was more exciting that way. Plus, she had a closer view of the field.
I knew that really meant she just wanted a close-up of my ass in my uniform.
It was a fine-looking ass.
“You’re sure you’re up for it?” I asked, putting aside my own intense desire to have her here to think of what this might cost her.
I still hadn’t told her about the two million-dollar payday or the fact the stalkerazzi was actively looking for dirt. I didn’t tell her I called her father either.
I should have. I could now. It was hard to pile more on her already full plate. Plus, we got so little time when I was home. I was there and gone. I just wanted us to be normal for a while, enjoy each other.
“Up for seeing you kick ass on the field? Uh, yeah!”
I chuckled. “I’m up for seeing your ass in my bed tonight.”
“Perv,” she clowned.